emoose/VideoRenderer rtx-hdr 4Branches5Tags Code This branch is10 commits ahead of,184 commits behindAleksoid1978/VideoRenderer:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit emoose rtx-hdr: use 10-bit format for the internal texture if RTXHDR is used...
RTX video enhancement HDR was added to driver version 551.23. It's an AI powered feature just like super resolution. It can be enabled on the nvidia control panel and it needs requesting the feature from the renderer. https://blogs.nvidi...
emoose/VideoRenderer rtx-hdr 4Branches5Tags Code This branch is10 commits ahead of,184 commits behindAleksoid1978/VideoRenderer:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit emoose rtx-hdr: use 10-bit format for the internal texture if RTXHDR is used...