Updated code of muxers (thanks to project MPC-HC).MPCVideoDec Removed DXVA1 decoder. Added support Ut Video 'UQY2', 'ULH0', 'ULH2', 'UQRG' and 'UQRA'. Improved display information about the input format in the status. Added support of RAW video 'b64a'. ...
CN=Ottoman, OU=Ottoman, O=Ottoman, L=Istanbul, S=Turkiye, C=TR"Version=""ProcessorArchitecture="x64"/><Properties><DisplayName>MPC-HC</DisplayName><PublisherDisplayName>Ottoman</PublisherDisplayName><Description>MPC-HC</Description
"XForm Out" of filter "AVI Decompressor" Pin "XForm Out" (output): connected to pin "VMR Input0" of filter "Video Mixing Renderer 9" Filter 0000000001ED8D58 [AVI Decompressor]: Pin "XForm In" (input): connected to pin "Output" of filter "Video pulldown" Pin "XForm Out" (output...