No. Date 1 14 March 2013 1.1 16 May 2013 2 22 May 2014 Substantial Changes Initial Release Updated Pinouts section • Removed Category (SR, CC, P, T, D, B) column from all the table of the Datasheet • Revised the feature list. • Revised Introduction section to remove ...
Date Initial public release 8/2013 Updated code snippets to match the latest 4/2014 header file release format with GTM submodules included in the main chip header file, and updated SIUL2 section to match latest revision of devices and reference manuals MPC57xxM Generic Timer Module (GTM) ...
No. Date 1 14 March 2013 1.1 16 May 2013 2 22 May 2014 Substantial Changes Initial Release Updated Pinouts section • Removed Category (SR, CC, P, T, D, B) column from all the table of the Datasheet • Revised the feature list. • Revised Introduction section to remove ...
Table 76. Revision history Revision Date 1 12/2011 2 4/2013 Description of changes Initial release Throughout • Data sheet now includes both KGD (TJ165 °C) and non-KGD (TJ150 °C) specifications • The interfaces and components formerly including the name “DigRF” have been ...
The New Year software release should have trickled through by the time you read this, and should be able to pick up the Song data as well as the Sequence data. Of course, this problem will only affect the few people who have recorded Songs on the 3000 which they would like to play ...
(power up) on ADC supply Falling voltage (power down)10 Hysteresis on power up11 Rising voltage Falling voltage Rising voltage Falling voltage 4040 2730 2870 2850 878 2420 2400 2750 2700 - - - - - - - - - 44807 mV 3030 3182 3162 1630 2780 2760 3000 2950 mV mV Table continues on ...
Considering PWM clock of 120 MHz, required PWM output 20 kHz and PWM reload period 100 µs, then INIT, VAL0 and VAL1 registers of sub-modules 0,1,2 are set as follows: • INIT = -120000000/20000/2 = -3000 DEC = 0xF448 • VAL0 = 0 DEC • VAL1 = - INIT = 3000 DEC...