2. 随着新加坡走向简化大流行的措施,把新冠作为一种地方病与病毒共存,MPA 逐步修订了船员换班要求,继续保障在新加坡换班的海员以及新加坡民众的健康。 3. 自2022年4月1日起,已完全接种疫苗的上船和下船船员可以在疫苗接种旅行框架下作为短期游客入境新加坡,通过 digitalPORT@SG™ 直接向 ICA CREW 系统提出申请。更...
全天候5月16日,新加坡海事港务局(Maritimeand Port Authority of Singapore)成立"全天候海上网络安全运营中心"(Maritime Cybersecurity Operations Centre,MSOC).该中心旨在尽早发现对潜在的海上关键信息基础设施(Critical Information Infrastructure,CII)的网络攻击,并作出回应,以增强新加坡的海上网络安全应对能力.海运情报...
航 运界网消息,新加坡海事及 港务管理局(The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore,以下 简称“MPA”)4月13日更新了燃油污染事件初步调查结果,受污染的燃油由嘉能可新加坡私人有限公司(Glencore)供应。 MPA于2022年3月14日首次收到通知,称新加坡港口向多艘船舶供应了含有高浓度氯化有机化合物(COC)(1,2-Dichlo...
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) urges the public to exercise care and remain vigilant at sea during the current Northeast monsoon, which will continue until March 2025, stronger winds, choppy sea conditions, moderate to heavy rain, and an increased risk of lightning can be ...
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has opened a Maritime Cybersecurity Operations Centre (MSOC). Free Whitepaper Never Trust, Always Verify: Is Zero Trust the Next Big Thing in Cybersecurity? Cyberattacks continue to rise every year and no sector seems to be immune. Hackers ...
MPA said the five MOUs signed at the Singapore Maritime Technology Conference aim to catalyze research, innovation, as well as pilot adoption of emerging technologies and enhance information flow and connectivity within the maritime community.
“Together, we will work with other industry stakeholders, such as Wärtsilä’s customers whose vessels would be calling on the Port of Singapore. Subject to their consent, we will use the vessel’s nautical data to test-bed reliable and secure information exchanges usin...
4. Mr Teo Eng Dih, Chief Executive of MPA said: “This MoU marks a significant milestone in the longstanding partnership between MPA and NYK. As a major bunkering and a maritime hub port, Singapore is in a phase of introducing alternative fuels and enhancing manpower development. MPA looks ...
The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority (MPA)issued a circularcontaining the resolutions adopted by the recent session of the IMO Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC67). Oil leak in Singapore stops after Shell oil processing unit incident ...
Port of Singapore is doing its best to be a 'catch-up port,' says government agency Quah Ley Hoon, chief executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, discusses how the Russia-Ukraine war and the pandemic might affect supply chains. ...