1 megapascal is exactly equal to 1 N/mm². 1 MPa = 1,000,000 Pa If 1 Pa = 1 N/m² = 1 N / (1,000 mm x 1,000 mm) = 1/1,000,000 N/mm2 Then 1 MPa = 1,000,000 Pa = 1,000,000 x 1/1,000,000 N/mm2 = 1 N/mm² MPa to kN/mm² How is 1MPa converted...
应力、压强、 应力、压强、压力单位换算 序 分类 号 应力、 压强、 压力 应力、 压强、 压力 应力、 压强、 压力 应力、 压强、 压力 应力、 名称 符号 换算关系 备注 1 帕(斯卡) Pa,N/m2 基本导出 单位 2 兆帕 MPa 1MPa=106Pa =N/mm2 3 吉帕 GPa 1GPa=1000 MPa=109Pa 4 5 千帕 kPa dyn/cm...
The tensile strength of the devel- oped material was adjusted to about 2,150 N/mm2 in consideration of spring machinability. The tensile test revealed that the reduction of area was smaller than that of the current high-strength material but was 45% or more, showing high toughness. Table 4...
某一理想的朗肯循环,给水压力4.41MPa,给水温度172℃,过热汽压3.92MPa,汽温450℃,排汽压力p0=0.0055MPa,则循环效率Y1=()。(已知给水焓 =728kJ/kg,蒸汽焓h0=3332kJ/kg,凝结水焓 =150kJ/kg,排汽焓2130kJ/kg,计算结果保留小数点后两位)A.23.69%B.26.93%C.23.96%D.