With this module you can download videos and song from Youtube (MP3 and MP4) which allows from a specific YouTube video to convert to MP3 (Only audio) or MP4 (Video), and stored on disk. - Yohan205/youtube-downloader
You can already tell that the download is going to fail by looking at the faulty size (~ 87.38MiB). Is there a way to make yt-dlp recognize this and fall-back (get video+audio instead)? Verbose log yt-dlp -vU -S res:720,ext:mp4:m4a,vcodec:h264,+acodec:m4a"https://www.youtu...
It looks like#7536but youtube video. When trying to download a video, I encountered the error "Invalid data found when processing input". Provide verbose output that clearly demonstrates the problem Runyouryt-dlp command with-vUflag added (yt-dlp -vU <your command line>) ...