The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The most famous submachine gun Sten of ...
$31. 7.92mm wz.29 bolt action rifle (Poland).$70. Thompson SMG. Spring 1942 price.$83. M...
The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The most famous submachine gun Sten of Gre...
Some designs stand the test of time while others are doomed to never advance beyond the drawing board; let history be their judge. Going Further... The MP3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008) Submachine Gun (SMG) appears in the following collections: ...
The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The ...
$13. Luger P08 9mmpistol.$15. M1911 .45cal pistol.$24. MP40 SMG.拖下去喂掉(划掉 说白了,...
至少在正规军这款冲锋枪造价只有9美元,做工比纳粹人民冲锋枪低劣,是什么枪 2015年11月15日 作者:兵...