如何在Windows電腦將YouTube音軌分離並轉為mp3: 步驟1.在您的PC上執行EaseUS Video Converter。在主界面左邊,選擇「音訊提取」。然後找到要提取音訊的影片檔,並將其拖曳到程式中。 步驟2.單擊「設定」>「音訊」>「MP3」設定輸出檔案格式。如果需要,您還可以點擊「編輯」按鈕來更改聲道、取樣率、位元速率和標題。
Ytmp3 is the fastest YouTube to MP3 converter that lets you convert YouTube videos to MP3 or MP4. Download high-quality MP3 files without signup.
Not only YouTube Vevo.com, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, HypeMachine, MixCloud, MixUpload, Audiomack, UOL, Hearthis.at, Play.fm, Naver, BitChute, Brandnewtube, Brighteon, Rumble and many other sites are also supported. So you can download music just as easily as you can from...
Enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to convert to MP3. Chooseyourquality Choose the quality of sound you want. Better quality means larger file size. DownloadMP3 Download the MP3 version of your video in chosen quality! Checkoutthefeatures ...
MediaHuman YouTube to MP3 Converter是一款功能强大的视频转音频转换工具,支持将YouTube、Vevo、SoundCloud和其他视频分享网站上的视频转换为高质量的MP3音频文件。以下是关于MediaHuman YouTube to MP3 Converter的详细介绍: 视频格式转换:MediaHuman YouTube to MP3 Converter可以将YouTube等网站上的视频转换为MP3格式,同...
UtoMP3 Youtube Converter helps you convert Youtube videos to MP3, MP4, and many formats. Download unlimited videos and audio from Youtube in high quality.
4. YoutubeMP3 -YouTube to MP3 Link YoutubeMP3 As the name shows, this converter allows you to convert YouTube videos to MP3 and MP4. Once you are done with the conversion, you can easily download the converted video. This software does not ask you to pay even a single penny to get...
YouTube to MP3 Converter是一款适用于Mac电脑的音频转换软件,它能够从YouTube视频中提取音频并转换为MP3格式。使用这款软件,您可以轻松地获取您喜欢的歌曲、音乐视频或其他音频内容,并将其保存为可播放的MP3文件。这款软件的界面简洁易用,转换速度快,且不失音质。它支持批量转换,可同时处理多个视频,适用于各种音频...
MediaHuman YouTube To MP3是一款能把视频网站YouTube里面的视频转换成MP3的转换工具。非常适合喜欢在YouTube或SoundCloud上听音乐并想将其保存以供离线播放以及想下载新的配乐的朋友使用,软件支持轻松下载整个播放列表,批量下载省时省力,支持下载最高的质量,支持YouTub
Very Fast YouTube to MP3 Converter up to 320 kbps and Video Downloader