么回事。可能需要驱动吧,你看看打印机有没有带光盘,那个就是驱动光盘,安装好了驱动,才能正常使用,祝你好运!你好你得打印机应该是废墨满了 亲,您好。错误代码5b00,说明打印机里充满了废墨,提醒我们及时处理。修复方式:1. 首先用手指按下“停止/复位”按钮,然后按下“电器开关”按钮启动机器。
么回事。[开心]您好,亲,很高兴能回答您的问题,canon MP250 series Printer USB接口接上了电脑,但是检测不到打印机,怎么回事。,帮您查询到,需要驱动吧,你看看打印机有没有带光盘,那个就是驱动光盘,安装好了驱动,才能正常使用希望我的回答能帮助到您。祝您身体健康,心情愉快!亲,看看打印机有...
Select Test Print from the pop-up menu on theCanon IJ Printer Utility Click the Print Head Alignment icon A message is displayed. Load paper in the machine Load three sheets of A4 size or Letter size plain paper into the rear tray. Execute head alignment Make sure that the machine is on...
是佳能258 或 259 吧 ,驱动都是 250系列的, 扫描键基本上没什么用,复印只需按启动键就可以了,扫描文件到电脑只须在电脑上点击扫描驱动 下一步 → 下一步 预览 最后就完成了。,
Canon MP250 系列打印机驱动2.33.2.10版 【如何更新和安装 佳能__Canon MP250 series Printer打印机驱动】 关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动 【如何卸载 佳能__Canon MP250 series Printer打印机驱动】 关于怎么卸载驱动,已...
Specifications: Bulk Packaging: Yes Cartridge's Status: Full is_customized: Yes Compatible Printer Models: For Canon Pixma IP2700, MP240, MP250, MP260, MP270, MP280, MP480, MX330 Package Contents: Choose 1 compatible smart ink cartridge Black x 1 pc, compatible smart ink cartridge Color ...
17. Close the cover. The printer will make some noise for a few moments, and then return to standby. If the error returns, the unit would require service. You are eligible for Canon's Upgrade Program. This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require servic...
To cancel a print job in progress, press the Stop button on the machine or click Cancel Printing on the printer status monitor.To display the printer status monitor, click Canon XXX Printer (where "XXX" is your machine's name) on the taskbar. ...