##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows: 项目标号:2307-MP-2412-000123 Project NO. 项目标名:生产一部-N1301.NZ0193-DE135 - 增补发光标牌等- 采购...
项目编号: 2307-MP-2410-000012 正文内容: 生产一部-N1301.NZ0204-DE146-不锈钢家具-采购一科采购中标公告发布日期:2024-10-24采购类别:(D06)装潢材料采购组织:南通远洋船舶配套有限公司中标公告bid-winningannouncement南通远洋船舶配套有限公司就生产一部-N1301.NZ0204-DE146-不锈钢家具-采购一科进行了网上...
##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows: 项目标号:2307-MP-2412-000046 Project NO. 项目标名:生产一部-N1301.NZ01950167-DE137/138/139 - 钢制窗斗...
##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows: 项目标号:2307-MP-2501-000039 Project NO. 项目标名:生产一部-N1301.NZ0195-DE137/146 - 白乳胶- 采购一科 ...
项目标号:2307-MP-2412-000303 Project NO. 项目标名:生产一部-N1301.NZ0195-DE137 - 碰螺、粘钉等- 采购一科 Project titile: 中标单位:如皋市金泰机械配件有限公司 ##No bid price## 南通远洋船舶配套有限公司 2024年12月31日 release time 附件: 热门...
项目标号:2307-MP-2412-000123 Project NO. 项目标名:生产一部-N1301.NZ0193-DE135 - 增补发光标牌等- 采购一科 Project titile: 中标单位:大连航海科技开发公司 ##No bid price## 南通远洋船舶配套有限公司 2024年12月18日 release time 附件: 热门...