代號/名稱 現價 升跌(%) MP Materials Corp. MP 即時串流報價: 修改 同業五大市值 基本物料-金屬及採礦 名稱現價升跌(%) 必和必拓集團 BHP 力拓集團 RIO Southern Copper Corporation SCCO 自由港邁克墨倫公司 FCX Newmont Corporation NEM 即時串流報價:
MP Materials Corporation(NYSE:MP)创立于1865年,总部位于美国内华达州拉斯维加斯,全职雇员270人,是西半球最大的稀土材料生产商,也是美国唯一能够提供完全基于本土的稀土解决方案的公司,旗下拥有Mountain Pass矿山,是北美唯一的稀土矿开采和加工基地。2020年11月17日,MP Materials Corporation完成与空白支票公司Fortress Va...
MP Materials Corp. produces specialty materials that are vital inputs for electrification and other advanced technologies. The Company owns and operates the Mountain Pass Rare Earth Mine and Processing Facility (Mountain Pass) in North America, and is constructing a rare earth metal, alloy and magne...
MP Materials Corp.于2020年1月24日在特拉华州注册成立。MP Materials Corp.是西半球最大的稀土材料生产商。公司拥有270多名员工,拥有并经营着美国标志性工业资产Mountain Pass,这是西半球唯一一个规模化的稀土开采和加工基地,目前生产的稀土含量约占全球稀土含量的15%。分离的稀土元素是磁铁的关键输入,使电动汽车、...
华盛通为您提供MP Materials Corporation Ordinary Shares - Class A(MP)股票股价,实时行情,新闻,财报,研究报告,财务指标分析等与MP Materials Corporation Ordinary Shares - Class A(MP)股票相关的信息与服务
MP Materials is restoring the U.S.’s resource independence—removing the single point-of-failure in our industrial supply chain and ensuring that the U.S. has a seat at the table in driving the automotive, aerospace, wind-power, and IT technologies of the future. ...
MP Materials Corp. price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents MP Materials Corp. price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 Y axes displaying symbol price, and symbol volume. ...
Find the latest MP Materials Corp. Common Stock (MP) annual income statements, balance sheets, financial statements, ratios, and cash flow data at Nasdaq.com.
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