languages, because of its perceived commercial asset in the businesssworld (=-=Fujita, 2002-=-).sIt is the only foreign language that is offered in every public school ins83 junior high school, high school and college.sUnfortunately, English study in Japan focusedssolely on reading and ...
CAFA ART INFO has conducted an online interview to invite students from 12 departments at CAFA to discuss their creative state and psychology. In this session, we introduce six students from the School of Experimental Art, the School of Humanities, the School of Design, the School of Architectur...
Wind power, solar power and water power are technologies that can be used as the main sources of renewable energy so that the target of decarbonisation in the energy sector can be achieved. However, when compared with conventional power plants, they have a significant difference. The share of...
Dear Lowell Public Schools Families, Faculty, Staff, and Community Partners, As we wrap up the first half of the school year, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you – students, teachers, staff, and parents/grandparents/guardians for all of your hard work. It has been a ye...
Her Round Lake school bands enjoyed a national reputation, and her work as both an arranger and administrator extended her impact upon music education on both the national and international level. The current study documents Buehlman’s influence on the band profession, and her status as one of ...
The Keystone State Reading Association's (KSRA) "Twelve Criteria for Evaluating Junior High/Middle Schools' Reading Programs" (with program, students, parents, materials, staff qualifications and roles, and evaluation of students and program components) were used as a basis for the evaluation. ...
Participants felt that in-service teacher training and support should be improved to help teachers implement the new policy.; This study's findings lead to a number of pedagogical implications for improving junior high school English education in Taiwan. The author makes the following recommendations ...
The respondents were asked to answer questions concerning leadership activities, mentoring, their first leadership role, mentoring and parental involvement in elementary, junior/senior high school and college. They were asked to rank the importance of the environmental factors of education experience, ...
(1984). Utilizing the arts in general education progress to integrate the perfomring arts into the junior high school (7-9) humanities curriculum plan at the East Harlem performing arts school. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Dissertation Abstracts International, 45 (08), 2435A)...
The study examined the financial implications and perceived importance of articulation and transferability of college credits earned during the high school junior and senior years in terms of saving time and cost.; The study determined that students earning UMD CITS credits during high school persisted...