As of the last election most of the elected MPs were aged between 50 and 59, with only 21 of them in their twenties or younger. In terms of gender, there are almost two male MPs for every one woman, although this is a much higher than in 1979 when only 3 percent of MPs were wome...
– Herald Share this: Share Like this: Loading... Related ZEC gazettes Mnangagwa’s re-electionAugust 31, 2023In "Headlines" ZEC gazettes new legislators inclusing TshabanguMarch 3, 2024In "Parliament" Zanu PF replaces dead legislatorsMarch 20, 2021In "Parliament"...
The announcement, coming only hours afterhis resignation honours list had been published, means the Conservatives are likely to face a tough battle to hold onto the London seat at a by-election. It was the second by-election triggered on Friday followingformer culture secretary Nadine Dorries' de...
Former ZANU-PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu has repeated threats that some people will be killed because of the 2023 elections. In his statement, Zivhu suggested that it was better for Zimbabwe to suspend elections and instead accommodate the opposition...
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { entries.add(new PieEntry(((Math.random() * range) + range / 5), this.parties[i % this.parties.length], undefined, undefined)); } // 创建饼状图数据集对象,设置数据项和数据集名称 let dataSet: PieDataSet = new PieDataSet(entries, "Election ...
(entries, "Election Results"); dataSet.setDrawIcons(false); dataSet.setSliceSpace(3); dataSet.setIconsOffset(new MPPointF(0, 40)); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5); // add a lot of colors let colors: JArrayList = new JArrayList(); for (let index = 0; index < ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_...
(entries, "Election Results"); dataSet.setDrawIcons(false); dataSet.setSliceSpace(3); dataSet.setIconsOffset(new MPPointF(0, 40)); dataSet.setSelectionShift(5); // add a lot of colors let colors: JArrayList<number> = new JArrayList(); for (let index = 0; index < ColorTemplate....
Second, however, the election of a pro-European government in Poland will not mean that it will be a “push-over” in European negotiations. It will be very much aware that any apparent weakness in promoting Polish interests will be seized upon by Law and Justice (PiS), which will still...
parties.length\], undefined, undefined)); } // 创建饼状图数据集对象,设置数据项和数据集名称 let dataSet: PieDataSet = new PieDataSet(entries, "Election Results"); // 设置是否绘制数据项图标 dataSet.setDrawIcons(false); // 设置数据项之间的间隙 dataSet.setSliceSpace(1); // 设置数据项图标...
On this episode of Work/Life, Ciara Pressler, author of Pregame and Game Plan, talks with Greg Nibler about how to remain focused during the constant distractions, chaos, and confusion of the current climate, whether it’s pandemic fatigue, protests, wildfires, the election, or any number of...