The MP-CD1 looks a lot like a back-to-basics redesign for Sony's pocket-sized projector. It measures up at 3.2 x .6 x 5.9 in (83 × 16 × 150 mm), slightly larger than the CL1A, and it weighs in at 9.9 oz (280 g), slightly heavier than the CL1A. Perhaps the most striking...
索尼(SONY)MP-CL1A 便携式投影仪 官方标配 ¥4599 去购买 开箱 这里简单发几张图就差不多了,不是本篇的重点,里面的东西和之前的同类晒单一样。 产品外观 东西确实非常小,只比我的iPhone6大一点点,放进稍微大一点的衣服裤子口袋毫无压力,铝合金外壳,重量也很轻只有210g。便携式投影就是要好带才会好用。
美国海淘 SONY 索尼 MP-CL1A 便携式投影仪 译文:首先我想明确表明,如果你的目的是购买一个最好的投影仪,无论是在家里或任何有光的地方使用,你可以买更好的,但如果你想要一个超便携并且在黑暗的房间里可以很好的使用,这个投影仪就很棒。 我用过微型投影仪和Celluon微型投影仪。如果在上面用你想要用的应用程序,你...
Portable Projection Portable Is King-SONY Sony MP-CL1A Mini Projectorhas a large effect, many places such as outdoor bedrooms such as duty rooms and so on must have a small projection with portable and battery to solve the problem if they want to enjoy the pleasure of the large screen. ...