Our expert team provides detailed data analysis and interpretation to ensure accurate results. Benefits Allows enhanced information from small biopsy samples. (I.e. NSCLC) Gain comprehensive insights that lead to more precise diagnostics and better patient outcomes. Enhanced ability to identify patient ...
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes that MPLN provides in its reports and other literature are based on our interpretation of CPT code requirements and are subject to review and change. It is our clients’ responsibility to verify the accuracy of the CPT. CPT is a registered trademar...
Lot variability limited interpretation of FujiLAM test performance. Although results with the current version of FujiLAM are too variable for clinical decision-making, the lipoarabinomannan biomarker still holds promise for tuberculosis diagnostics. The trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT...
The funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. The study was also funded by the study sponsor MetrioPharm AG. Results Patients Out of the 134 screened patients, 132 patients were randomly assigned between ...
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) The sharpness of the gray–white boundary is critical for the accurate segmentation of the gray matter and white matter and accurate reconstruction of gray–white ...
JS contributed to data interpretation. DX performed surface coil correction and data processing. WSK was involved with image processing tool development. TSH was involved with data interpretation. CY contributed to study design. All authors critically revised the paper and have read and approved the ...
(data not shown) but rather represented a feature of this particular protein. For several samples tested on the RIFIN-A protein, OD values were close to 3.5, indicating they were close to reach the dynamic range limit for the assay. We therefore consider that the interpretation regarding the...
the occurrence of random factors affecting the interpretation of our data cannot be excluded and this is one of the main limitations of this study. More studies are required to confirm the benefits of a routine administration ofL. salivariusMP100 to sows and piglets, including farms with different...
Funders were not involved in the design, execution and interpretation of data. Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (protocol...
Coltrane's Interpretation Of The Sound Of Music supported by the repeated rhythm of the piano which sets up the rest of the piece. He plays A and vamps in major mode during 0:44-1:01, plays B at 1:26, and A at 1:44 while he vamps in minor mode at 2:01. McCoy Tyner’s piano...