The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The most famous submachine gun Sten of ...
Some designs stand the test of time while others are doomed to never advance beyond the drawing board; let history be their judge. Going Further... The MP3008 (Maschinenpistole 3008) Submachine Gun (SMG) appears in the following collections: ...
The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The most famous submachine gun Sten of Gre...
Submachine Gun called the Mp-3008.The 105mm Panzerschreck, that looked liked the American recoiless rifle.The 7.92mm Stg-44 rifle that used the Zg-1229Vampir IR sight system.The German's worked on different designs of magnetic mines, and also designed a type of"Frisbee" hand grenade, ...
Not to be confused with the Bergmann MP34, an early variant of the MP35 submachine gun or with the Erma EMP, a variant of which was also called MP34. The MP34 (Maschinenpistole 34, literally "Machine Pistol 34") is a submachine gun (SMG) that was manufac
The article discusses how the German submachine gun (SMG) MP3008 produced in 1945 was developed. The development of the MP3008 can be traced from a number of rifles such as the 1917 Luger Artillery Model created by Germany during the World War I. The ...