下载适用于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 的 Firefox。Firefox 一款免费的网络浏览器,由致力于改善互联网健康与隐私的非营利组织 Mozilla 全力支持。
扫码下载APK 应用截图 新版特性 1.修复某些网页的下拉刷新问题 2.修复桌面模式下某些网页的缩放问题 应用简介 继承Mozilla Firefox火狐非凡桌面浏览特性,Firefox for Android带给您快速、智能、安全的优质体验。它速度超快,简单易用,支持多项个性化设置,并通过最新的安全性与隐私权保护功能最大限度保护您的网络安全。
Mozilla Firefox features an extensive customization option, allowing users to tailor their browsing experience. From themes and extensions to enhanced security settings, it provides flexibility without compromising performance. With its commitment to user rights and an ad-free experience, it stands out as...
Mozilla Firefox features an extensive customization option, allowing users to tailor their browsing experience. From themes and extensions to enhanced security settings, it provides flexibility without compromising performance. With its commitment to user rights and an ad-free experience, it stands out as...
Mozilla Firefox, free and safe download. Mozilla Firefox latest version: Mozilla Firefox: Free open-source browser. Are you tired of sluggish browsers
How could we download it? 被選擇的解決方法 Fenix is the internal code name for Firefox for Android. You can also download Firefox for Androad apk's from https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/fenix/releases/ https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/fenix/releases/115.2.1/android/ They just moved ...
The clients can download Mozilla Firefox 2024 for MAC and Windows 10 and it has been overhauled to gotten to be a speedier web browser.
DOWNLOAD License Free of charge Language: English Version 115.16.0 File Size: 55.9 MB Not only computers but also portable devices such as Nokia Lumia, HP, HTC, Huawei and various tablets. Firefox can also be easily installed on these devices in the same way. In addition it is also the ...
For those people it might be very valuable to have the option to install Firefox Fenix on their mobile device. But they can't, since at the moment there is no way to get Firefox Fenix APKs without using Google Play. Those people might be looking for a solution to their problem (as I...
:warning: This repository hosts the Firefox for Android (Fenix), Focus for Android, and Mozilla Android Components projects. It is now developed and maintained as part of Mozilla Central. See the announcement here: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firef