Product Mozilla Firefox, Versions and news around the project, Firefox 121, Firefox 115, Firefox 113, Firefox 112, Firefox 111, Firefox 109, Fix three vulnerabilities that allow hackers to execute arbitrary code, Firefox 106 и Firefox 10601, Test the ab
有开发人员发现,Mozilla正在测试的Firefox 68 Nightly版中出现了一项新功能,是利用微软的"背景智能传输服务"(Background Intelligent Transfer Service,BITS)来替Firefox执行背景更新,就算使用者并未开启Firefox,它在侦测到新版时,依然会替使用者下载更新。 微软设计BITS的理念是考察到使用者的网络状况,希望藉由背景传输减少...
Or it could be because you have two different versions of Firefox, 32 bits, and 64 bits. To solve the problem, delete one of the firefoxes that is no longer used. Restart your IDM by opening tasks on the IDM menu, then EXIT. And after that, you open a new Firefox. Then your old...
But geckodriver seems unable to find and launch firefox. Up to 0.32.1, there were win64 builds available, but not anymore with 0.32.2. I incorrectly downloaded the win32 build of version 0.32.2. This one of course can't launch the 64 bits version of firefox. Do you still intend to ...
Many of the most common issues that arise when using Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition are addressed here. Please read through the various topics to see if any of them address your question. You can also post a question in the Firefox Portable Support Fo
190347 Let FreeType2 handle Type1/etc rendering too. 714639 Closing browser tab from Silverlight crashes Firefox @ js::ContextStack::popInvokeArgs 714646 jsgc.cpp fails to compile on Win64 GCC 698263 Rename mozilla::imagelib namespaces to mozilla::image 714649 Make ExpirationTrackerObserver final ...
Dear Firefox Officer, I have been requested by e-mail to update my Firefox 78.15.Oesr (64 bits) before the end of March. Is this update compatible with my MacBookPro5,4 … (閱讀更多) 由marcel.arnould 於9 個月前 詢問 由James 最近回覆於9 個月前 封存 desktop download-and-install ...
System Version: 0.21.0 (64 bits) Platform: Windows10 but using bash(Ubuntu) Firefox: 60.0.2 (64 bits) Selenium: 3.12.0 Testcase from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import WebDriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys cl...
Environment Windows 7 Pro 64 bits with Firefox 34.0.5. First I disabled all addons and when that didn't work, i ran Firefox in SAFE MODE but still get: I can't connect to Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to add...
Mozilla firefox Upload file over 2GB - you cannot post such file, Mozilla does not send request with bigger file to server Upload two or more files with size summary size >2GB - Mozilla send such files, but http headers are funny: