Updated: 135.0b1 → 135.0b2 Submitting WinGet manifests Found existing pull requests: Update: Mozilla.Firefox.DeveloperEdition.br version 135.0 (135.0b2) - https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/pull/208421 New version: Mozilla.Firefox.DeveloperEdition.pt-BR version 135.0 (135.0b1) - https://g...
For instance, firefox_privacy_notice/de.md is the German version of the Firefox privacy policy. Editing Legal Team If you're a member of the legal team, it's easy to get started. First, make sure you're logged in with your GitHub account. When you have a change which you wish to ...
769090 waitForDownload() has to return early if download failure occurs 760899 Cannot build debug Firefox with gstreamer enabled 778081 java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.sync.CommandProcessor$Command.getArgsList(Comma… 760904 "Assertion failure: srcArgs.thisv().isMagic(JS_IS_CONS...
Firefox Relay:Oculte seu email e número de celular para receber somente as mensagens que quiser. Conheça nossos produtos Faça uma doação para a organização sem fins lucrativos Mozilla A Mozilla está formando um movimento para recuperar a internet. Juntos, podemos construir um futu...
下载Firefox 扩展与主题,它们就像是您浏览器上的应用程序,可以屏蔽讨人厌的广告、保护密码、更改浏览器外观,还有更多功能。
* [pt-BR] Import missing mdn.mozillademos.org images Imports images from a backup that are referenced via that domain and don't exist in mdn/content. * [pt-BR] Resize firefox_logo.pngmain (mdn/translated-content#10483) caugner authored Dec 7, 2022 Verified 1 parent 56ddae0 commit e0...
Description Replaces occurrences of images that reference https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/ with the (normalized) filename, but only those that exist in mdn/content (at the same slug location). (...
Firefox Bug Fixes v.18.0See the complete list of bugs fixed by the new version.Bug IDSummary 811012 Allow forceAuthentication parameter to request for whitelisted Marketplace 786437 IonMonkey: (ARM) ensure that there is an IonContext when discarding Ion code pt. 2 786438 Wifi: fire events to...
671428 Firefox Crash @ _moz_pixman_image_create_bits 667336 children.item(-1) causes "ASSERTION: PopulateSelf left the list in a dirty (useless) state!" 624329 Toolbar's context menus do not render and slide down repeatedly 648910 Make nsIDOMHTMLImageElement widths and heights unsigned to matc...
home-eventually-the-open = Após algum tempo, o projeto de código aberto { -brand-name-mozilla } transformou-se na popular primeira versão do { -brand-name-firefox }. home-today-mozilla-continues = Atualmente, a { -brand-name-mozilla } continua seu movimento em direç...