Baroque, Classical, Romantic: what are the different periods of classical music? A joyful account In theAndante, both players are more indulgent and somehow earthier, wringing every ounce from the movement’s plaintive sensibility. Rysanov makes the most of his instrument’s deeper sonority. The ...
The Festival offers a diverse and captivating program featuring Vaughan Williams'Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, Valerie Coleman'sPhenomenal Womenperformed by the dazzling Imani Winds, and Mozart's charming "Paris" Symphony. Featuring
The festival program also includes a cycle of Mozart’s chamber works featuring piano (trios, quartets, and a quintet), intimate music for piano, violin, and voice; the concert 64 Things – involving the audience – which brings Mozart’s world and that of his contemporaries through different ...
Piano Festival and Competition MozArte is designed to foster musical excellence, encourage artistic growth, and offer a unique opportunity for young musicians to gain valuable performance experience, as well as exposure to international audiences and ren
专辑类型:Box set 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2003-10-06 出版者:Andante 唱片数:3 条形码:0699487195127 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Chamber Music By Tim Page Live ...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is recognized as one of the world’s most esteemed musical geniuses — and there’s no better way to honor him than with a music festival. The Midsummer Mozart Festival celebrated its 43rd season with a performance at Mission Santa Clara de Asis on July 12. The ...
莫扎特《魔笛》2014年艾克斯-普罗旺斯音乐节 Mozart - Die Zauberflöte Festival d'Aix-en-Provence 2022 7 02:50:30 App 莫扎特《唐璜》2017年艾克斯-普罗旺斯音乐节 Mozart's Don Giovanni Festival d'Aix-en-Provence 2074 0 01:34:31 App 威尔第《安魂曲》法比奥·路易斯指挥 2016年苏黎世歌剧院 现代芭...
在Apple Music 上收听卢西亚 · 波普, 布莱吉特 · 法斯本德, 维尔纳 · 克伦, 汤姆 · 克劳斯, 曼弗雷德 · 荣维尔斯, Vienna Haydn Orchestra & 伊斯特凡 · 克尔提斯的《Mozart Opera Festival》。2005年。19 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 10 分钟
Initiated as an experiment - common wisdom held there was no summer audience in New York, and there had never been an indoor summer music festival anywhere in the world - the Festival proved to be an instant draw for audiences and quickly became an indelible New York summer institution. ...