The 8-port C168H/HS ISA boards offer users a basic, high- performance multiport serial communication solution for connecting terminals, modems, printers, data acquisition equipment, and other serial devices to a PC. The boards are a top choice of industrial automation engineers and system ...
8-port RS-232Universal PCI serial board Features and Benefits •Over 700kbps data throughput for top performance •921.6kbps maximum baudrate for fast data transmission •128-byte FIFO and on-chip H/W,S/W flow control •Compatible with 3.3/5V PCI and PCI-X •Drivers provided for...
Home Products Industrial Edge Connectivity Multiport Serial Boards PCIe/UPCI/PCI Serial Cards CP-118EL-A CP-118EL-A8-port RS-232/422/485 PCI Express serial boardFeatures and Benefits PCI Express 1.0 compliant 921.6 kbps maximum baudrate for fast data transmission 128-byte FIFO and on...
步骤3:配置串口设备 在Web界面上,点击左侧菜单栏中的"Serial Port"(串口)选项,然后选择"Port"(端口)。 在端口页面上,设置每个串口的参数,包括串口名称、波特率、数据位、停止位、校验位等。根据您的实际情况进行设置,并点击"Apply"按钮保存更改。 步骤4:配置网络服务 在Web界面上,点击左侧菜单栏中的"System"(系...
The CP-168EL-A is a smart, 8-port PCI Express board designed for POS and ATM applications. It is a top choice of industrial automation engineers and system integrators, and supports many different operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and even UNIX. In addition, each of the...
8-port RS-232/422/485Universal PCI serial boards Features and Benefits •Over 700kbps data throughput for top performance •921.6kbps maximum baudrate for fast data transmission •128-byte FIFO and on-chip H/W,S/W flow control •Compatible with 3.3/5V PCI and PCI-X •Drivers ...
8-port RS-232/422/485serial device servers Features and Benefits •8serial ports supporting RS-232/422/485 •Compact desktop design •10/100M auto-sensing Ethernet •Easy IP address configuration with LCD panel •Configure by Telnet,web browser,or Windows utility •Socket modes:TCP ...
string - - 插卡名称,该字段仅查询时使用,配置时填写不生效 "card1" portType string ethernet serial container - 端口类型。ethernet---以太网口,serial---串口,container---容器。 "ethernet" 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 配置备份服务器 配置备份服务器 将一台安装了eBackup备份软件的服务器初始化为备份...
2 serial ports and 2 LAN ports for your connectivity needs External access to storage and power button extension support simplify maintenance Compact, Powerful Industrial Box Computers Our BXP-A101 industrial box computers deliver user-friendly IPC features to the automation industry. They boast a...
查询串口连接状态 接口名称 WEB_QuerySerialPortStatusAPI(后续废弃) 功能描述 查询串口连接状态 应用场景 查询串口连接状态 URL https://ip/action.cgi?ActionID=WEB_QuerySerialPortStatusAPI 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 适配串口初始化文件 使用裸机工程的串口初始化文件Core\Src\usart.c和Core\Inc\usart.h...