Mowtown Outdoorsis the go-to choice for commercial landscaping services in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have been providing reliable and professional service since 1999, and have become a trusted name in the industry. Our services include large-scale landscape maintenance, commercial landscape construction, and...
This semi-evergreen plant is a very prolific spreader; so much so that you may need to addlandscape edgingto keep its creeping rhizomes contained. Like creeping mazus, moneywort is considered an invasive weed in some areas. Creeping Jenny growing conditions: USDA hardiness zones:Zones 3 to 8 ...
5. Seeding Your Lawn SPRING: After you thatch in late spring, it’s a good time to overseed, planting new grass seed in bare or dead areas. Don’t seed in early spring if you’re applying non-selective weed control, as you’ll be killing the grass seeds as well. SUMMER/FALL: In ...
This semi-evergreen plant is a very prolific spreader; so much so that you may need to addlandscape edgingto keep its creeping rhizomes contained. Like creeping mazus, moneywort is considered an invasive weed in some areas. Creeping Jenny growing conditions: USDA hardiness zones:Zones 3 to 8 ...
Convert part of your lawn to meadow. A slightly wild zone or border lets volunteer grasses, dandelions, wildflowers, and herbs grow, adding variety to your landscape. If trees and shrubs start to shade the lawn,thin and remove lower branches. Then seed in shady areas with 5 lbs./1000 sq...