8051 / 8052 Microcontroller Instruction Set MOVX - Move Extended Memory Operation: MOVX Function: Move Data To/From External Memory (XRAM) Syntax: MOVX operand1,operand2 Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags MOVX @DPTR,A 0xF0 1 2 None MOVX @R0,A 0xF2 1 2 None MOVX @R1,A 0xF3 1 2...
Can you specify an address where you see the MOVX instruction? Following is the entire assembler code from the listing file for HELLO.C. It contains no MOVX instructions that I can see. ; FUNCTION main (BEGIN) ; SOURCE LINE # 23 ; SOURCE LINE # 29 0000 759850 MOV SCON,#050H ; SOURC...