A DC-to-DC converter. Effectively, you've got a mild hybrid powertrain, one that works in parallel with the combustion engine. Backers say it provides two-thirds the benefit of a full hybrid at a third the cost. Fuel economy increases by 15 to 20 percent. ...
The WA DC area is for sale. A wholesale exodus. Our entire intelligence apparatus is destroyed so no reason to hang about. The DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) is where nearly our entire federal government resides. But no more. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNd1Smn4r/ It’s not just the smoke ...
I think the reason is that if someone replays to this thread he is not listed on my rule config - "from". so I add now "RE: XXX" to my subject keyword and hope it will help Hitomkoi try to use the subject contain in your rule not the subject is, because as y...
Thank you for your quick reply! Unfortunately I have no information to share what resulted for this departure of the Defender - I was simply just asked to handle the off-boarding - what ever that means :). So from your reply and the article - the ...
EDIT: crossposted to reddit in r/vmware here I'm new to using the VMWare API, and specifically trying to use pyVmomi. I'm having a really difficult time understanding how it all fits together. What I'm trying to accomplish is simply: 1. take a vmx/vmdk that is on a datastore and ...
After researching reddit and Google for top moving companies, JK Moving made it to my top 3. After getting quotes from a... See more View on Google Mags Bent 1 day ago JKMoving Services were exceptional in every way, from the initial estimate visit where Joe provided all the inform...
fb. ccdmc to dcviatc from my plan. Not only did it takc on a Icngth andmdcpcndcncc that rcfuscd to introduce anything--cxccpt pcrhapsthc filturc---but it kcpt inviting me to return to it l()tag aftcr Ithought I had finishcd. Instcad of watching previous statcs of mindjostlc...
The Amazon founder posted a video on Instagram Thursday announcing that he'll be moving to Miami, where he lived when he was younger. SEATTLE - Jeff Bezos will no longer be calling Seattle his home. The Amazon founder posted a video on Instagram Thursday announcing that he'll be...
LawHelp.org provides referrals to nonprofit legal aid organizations in every state and territory, free legal rights resources, court forms and self-advocacy tools. LSC - LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION 3333 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 USA, Web: https://www.lsc.gov/about-lsc/what-legal-aid...
Primary iPhone assemblers Foxconn and Pegatron are said to have been evaluating the ability of the company to shift production of Apple's mobile devices to the U.S., with the verdict mixed on if the move would be cost-effective. "Apple asked both Foxconn and Pegatron, the two...