They're always doing engineering work and you have to take a bus to Hadham and pick up the train there, which is really slow. But other than that, Banford's a great place to live. I've never been happier. LINDA:There are some nice restaurants in the city centre and a brand new ...
LINDA:Yes, it’s fine. And it keeps me fit. Anyway, driving to work in the city centre would be a nightmare because there’s hardly anyparking(Q3). And the traffic during the rush hour can be bad. MATT:I’d be working from home but I’d have to go to London one or two days ...
【雅思听力C13-Test 3-Section1真题精听】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供C13-Test 3-Section1真题Moving to Banford City句子/段落/全文精听及听写。备考练习雅思听力C13-Test 3-Section1,上雅思考满分。
[04:16.16They're always doing engineering work and you have to take a bus to Hadham and pick up the train there, which is really slow. [04:28.20But other than that, Banford's a great place to live. [04:33.91I've never been happier. [05:16.90LINDA: There are some nice restaurants...
剑桥雅思13Test3Section1听力答案解析 Moving to Banford City 剑桥雅思13听力第三套题目第一部分由10道笔记填空题组成,整体难度不算太大。不过相比于以前租房场景更加关注房屋内部的情况,这段音频更多的介绍了房屋外部设施,考察重点稍有不同。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
考满分 ielts C13 - Test 3 - Section1 - Moving to Banford City 结束训练 PART A PART B 00:00 00:00 第一段 - 198.7 秒 第1句 - 2.7 秒 第2句 - 10.1 秒 第3句 - 5.2 秒 第4句 - 4.6 秒 第5句 - 11.2 秒 第6句 - 5.9 秒 第7句 - 20.2 秒 第8句 - 8.3 秒 第9句 - 11.1...
·Limitedin city centre ·Trains to London everyminutes ·Poor train service at Advantages of living in Banford ·Newopened recently ·has excellent reputation ·Goodon Bridge Street Meet Linda ·Meet Linda onafter 5.30 pm ·In theopposite the station...
They're always doing engineering work and you have to take a bus to Hadham and pick up the train there, which is really slow. But other than that, Banford's a great place to live. I've never been happier. LINDA: There are some nice restaurants in the city centre and a brand new...