movingtarget indication radar 活动目标显示雷达相关短语 rain interference(雷达显示) 雨滴干扰 carpet (雷达) 电子干扰仪 velocity azimuth display (雷达用) 速度方位显示器 masthead mounted (雷达收发机装于雷达天线架上) 桅装 kinetoscope (活动的) 电影放映机 leading edge tracking (电视对目标) 前沿跟踪 total...
6) moving target indication radar 运动目标显示雷达 补充资料:机载气象雷达(见机载航行雷达) 机载气象雷达(见机载航行雷达) airborne weather radar liZai qiXIQng Ieida机载气象雷达(ai rbom。weather radar)见机载航行雷达。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
A moving target indication radar (MTI) having a high azimuthal position detection accuracy. The received radar return signal is separated into quadrature components which are each converted to a series of digital samples. A continuous discrete fast Fourier transform is then performed on groups of ...
近年来我国在该领域取得了一定成就,我国2016年发射的高分三号卫星成功利用了星载设备实现了GMTI。参考文献:[1] Jiawei JIANG,Hongyan WANG,Yanhong WU.Review on jamming technology against ground moving target indication radar[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2020, 42(11): 2471-2480.
This example shows the design of a moving target indication (MTI) radar to mitigate clutter and identify moving targets. For a radar system, clutter refers to the received echoes from environmental scatters other than targets, such as land, sea or rain. Clutter echoes can be many orders...
Discusses theory and design of pulsed Doppler radar and MTI with details on clutter, clutter modelling and theory of optimum processing. The book also covers special topics related to the use of the Doppler effect in radar systems which involve the application of special Doppler signal processing ...
MTIMoving Target Indication(radar) MTIMarine Trophic Index MTIMediation Training Institute International MTIMilitary Training Instructor MTIMechanical Technology Incorporated MTIMedical Tourism Index(International Healthcare Research Center) MTIManufacturing Technology, Inc. ...
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A radar system is disclosed utilizing digital techniques for implementing a moving target indicator (MTI) or pulse doppler type of radar system. More specifically, the radar system includes an MTI fil
doi:US2678439 AMcconnell Robert AUSUS2600255 * Mar 29, 1946 Jun 10, 1952 Mcconnell Robert A Moving target indication radar systemUS2600255 * 1946年3月29日 1952年6月10日 Mcconnell Robert A Moving target indication radar system