Moving from the OnCompanyOpen event to OnAfterLogin is as easy as changing the event subscriber definition. For example, change:AL 复制 [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Company Triggers", 'OnCompanyOpen', '', false, false)] to:...
A detailed overview on how to contribute can be found in thecontributing guideon GitHub. Related Python packages For a more comprehensive list, including non-Python solutions, check scikit-mobilityis a similar package which also deals with movemen...
Query Processing In Location-based Services Due to the high frequency in location updates and the expensive cost of continuous query processing, server computation capacity and wireless communication bandwidth are the two limiting factors for large-scale deployment of moving object ... F Liu 被引量:...
I created a bootstrap.yml to setup a config server with AWS s3, is it possible to have those configuration on application.yml spring: profiles: active: composite cloud: config: server: composite: - type: awsS3 region: us-east-1 bucket: bucket1 bootstrap: true this works with bootstrap...
Full File Path on Open and Save Dialogs Silverlight Trusted Applications also allows full access to the file path of the local computer. The OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog objects both can allow access to the full file path so you can open, read, and save files as shown in the sample co...
“When we share a presentation via a link, we can see the stats on who opened it. It’s a great way of collaborating with clients.” Stephanie McSwiney,VP Sales “It’s great to have a tool that enables people who aren’t designers to be designers. With minimal effort, our design ...
It froze both the original and the rebuild db at two points - both on forms. Deleted the forms and continued to completion. Rebuilt database still crashed/closed as before. I am going to check the two forms that stopped the Rebuilder because I remember copying one from the ...
Used the Rebuild Add-in. It froze both the original and the rebuild db at two points - both on forms. Deleted the forms and continued to completion. Rebuilt database still crashed/closed as before. I am going to check the two forms that stopped the Rebuilder beca...
The Microsoft cloud strategy has three broad tenets: • Flexibility of choice, based on business needs, for deploying services • Enterprise-class services with no compromises on availability, reliability, or security • Consistent, connected experiences across devices and platforms ...