Am working on simulation of the moving heat source of double ellisopidal heat source model (In ansys ACT extension Gaussian moving heat source is only available)..To find out the temperature distribution along the weldzone. Giving convection and moving heat source (UDF) as input. In the code...
ACT_MovingHeat_v4.1 用于Ansys workbench的移动热源设置插件,可用于激光焊接模拟用(Mobile heat source setting plug-in for ANSYS Workbench can be
求助,moving-..求助,论文中要用到激光增材制造数值模拟,想问一下大家,moving-heat-flux是不是不能和生死单元一起用啊,我两个一起用的话求解之后,就不显示生死单元的成型了。 如果不能一起使用的话,怎么能够
ansysworkbench吧 关注:3,288贴子:4,343看贴 图片 吧主推荐 游戏 0回复贴,共1页 <<返回ansysworkb...吧请问下有人可以分享下moving heat flux插件的下 只看楼主 收藏 回复 友浪人 高级粉丝 3 请问下有人可以分享下moving heat flux插件的下载链接吗?
Ansys Employee As Rob has mentioned if you're wanting to melt material then you'll probably want to use either the solidification model or one of the multiphase models. Otherwise, to take your original question you just look to see where the hot spot is with time. ...
ACTANSYS 其他流-固&热耦合建筑10 关于ansys ACT插件Moving heat的一些小问题 请教下Moving heat插件使用方法和注意事项,最好能详细一点,最近做移动高斯热源仿真,按照网上的步骤总是出现未知错误,希望看到的大神们能够给与指点 名侦探柯基2018-12-03 08:36:54 关注问答 写回答 邀请回答 分享到 ...
椰城吴彦祖创建的收藏夹默认收藏夹内容:Ansys Moving heat-焊接温度场及应力场模拟案例教程,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
This work considers the flow field as two-dimensional turbulent flow and studies the steady-state properties of heat transfer and the pressure of the suspension nozzle. An adiabatic wall parallel to the moving wall and two slit entrances at either end of the adiabatic wall make up the rectangula...
Ansys Moving Heat-异种材料-两焊道-T型焊接实战教程 凌岳mango 5309 0 00:53 ansys apdl生死单元双道焊缝温度场+应力场仿真 AM-仿真 488 0 00:54 焊接热温度场及热应力数值模拟 爱上火吃小锅巴 3687 0 27:43 基于ANSYS workbench的焊缝模拟(理论和实操) krrrris 1.5万 4 06:07 【论文复现】...
ansys workbench 两种焊点设置 平平蒲2 6046 4 03:20 workbench中实现双激光焊接温度场和应力场仿真(新人第一次发视频0.0) 月下笙歌jarvan 1455 2 00:31 moving heat 多焊缝、多移动热源,变参数焊接仿真初探 凌岳mango 2029 0 13:58 Abaqus温度场仿真模拟—移动热源(激光熔覆-激光焊接) 可乐会拌面 ...