The human race stands on the brink of extinction as a series of alien attacks decimate the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease. Separated from her family, Ohio teenager Cassie Sullivan (Chloë Grace Moretz) will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. Fate leads ...
When people talk about disaster films, they generally discuss physical disasters — tornados, shipwrecks, plane crashes, tsunamis, the works. Steven Soderbergh’s ‘Contagion’ offers something different, in the form of a disaster film about an illness. Inspired by actual real-life epidemics like ...
Lauren Chase (Rachel Nichols) is a doctor who is sent on a mission to retrieve a lost medical unit. What they find out there is (predictably) carnage and mayhem, the streets filled with “Stage 5” infected people who are able to run and manipulate objects as weapons...
brought on. From tsunamis to earthquakes, the deadly events just keep coming. She teams up with a stranger named Evan Walker (Alex Roe) to try to find her family, and though she doesn't know him, she has to trust him because her time is running out and she has no one else to ...
Increased earthquakes, unusual weather patterns, and huge tidal waves (or tsunamis) will continue to increase as birth pangs of a woman. (Mystery Babylon. The Roman Catholic Church and Rome) During the Tribulation, a one–world, false religion that God calls MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE ...