American Psycho, a chilling psychological thriller, follows the life of Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale), a successful Wall Street executive by day and a gruesome serial killer by night. Balancing an outward appearance of wealth and normalcy with an inner world steeped in violence, Bateman's ...
With dazzling visuals inspired by the titular toy bricks and hysterical nods to comic book history; The Lego Batman Movie emerged as one of 2017's most entertaining action-adventures. Released: 2017 Directed by: Chris McKay Also ranks #2 on 14 Superhero Movies That Are Actually Great Comedie...
Death Wish The Face of Death (1994) On Dangerous Ground (1996) Future Force (1989) Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987) 2020 Texas Gladiators (1984) Redneck Miller (1976) Virtual Combat (1995) Across 110th Street (1972) The Invincibles (1994) China O Brien (1990) China O Brien II (1990) ...
Conclusion:This movie keeps you in suspense since the very beginning with its dark, great tones and gloomy atmosphere. You can feel the loneliness of the main heroine, who suffers from unrequited love and betrayals. But the main diamond here is its ending. It twists so famously that you defi...
The Fremont Main Library continues to offer movies on Sundays. With the start of a new year (Happy New Year!), movies in January will show people in their personal pursuits, new beginnings. Shows start at 2 p.m. in Fukaya Room B. Scheduled for showing are: ...
the spell by an aspiring teenage witch with a mysterious identity (Joe Locke), Agatha agrees to gather a coven and walk the “Witch’s Road” to recover her power. LikeWandaVision,Agatha All Alongis one of the few Marvel TV projects that takes advantage of the structure of episodic ...
Critics Consensus: Nina Forever tests the limits of the rom-com with a decidedly unorthodox triangle that's as diabolically original as it is daringly dark. Synopsis: After his girlfriend Nina dies, Rob falls in love with Holly. The new relationship faces a huge challenge when Nina... [...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of the great collaborations between Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. The morality tale was first visited with Gene Wilder in the role of Willy Wonka, owner of the said Chocolate Factory, and we have this in our list later. Frankly, this version is one ...
Fortunately, I’m doing more than ever before, and while this site is currently on hiatus, here are four ways to keep up with everything that’s still happening: 1. MuckRack: My journalist profile pulls in all of the articles I write for any site, so you can keep up with every ...
In The Adam Project (2022), Reynolds took the role of a time traveler who joins forces with his preteen self and late father to save the future, making peace with his past along the way. In 2024 Reynolds returned to the world of Marvel to star opposite Hugh Jackman in Deadpool & ...