The movie explores the production of Wood's infamous B-movie classics like Plan 9 from Outer Space and Glen or Glenda. Landau's exceptional portrayal of Lugosi earned him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Despite its humorous tone, Ed Wood remains a poignant tribute to one o...
Juno is a heartwarming drama-comedy that revolves around the life of Juno MacGuff (Elliot Page), a witty and independent 16-year-old who becomes pregnant by her friend, Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). Instead of opting for an abortion, she decides to give the baby up for adoption. The ...
Also ranks #2 on The Saddest Movie Breakup Scenes, Ranked Also ranks #2 on 18 Dark Academia Movies That Deliver A Lesson In Drama Also ranks #4 on The Greatest Movies with Precocious Teen Stars 4 Scream Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox 1,509 votes Wes Craven redefined horror ...
Critics Consensus: The Handmaiden uses a Victorian crime novel as the loose inspiration for another visually sumptuous and absorbingly idiosyncratic outing from director Park Chan-wook. Synopsis: With help from an orphaned pickpocket (Kim Tae-ri), a Korean con man (Ha Jung-woo) devises an elab...
The best part about this movie is the lead who plays Drew is fresh meat. He’s not a tired old recycled Hallmark actor who has been in 1900 holiday flicks, looking more weathered than Santa. He’s young and rocking that rugged burly man hotness. Total eye candy. And everything else ...
John Travolta is an American actor and singer who became a cultural icon of the 1970s, especially known for his roles in the TV series Welcome Back, Kotter and the film Saturday Night Fever. He became one of Hollywood’s premiere leading men after starri
This is a genre which always gets me, court room dramas. I didn’t think that much aboutthe trial of the chicago 7especially after watching Small Axe’s Mangrove and this film. Its powerful and emotional, it deserves a lot of respect and perfect timing with the on going anti-racism prot...
All bad pupils have become good guys and give their respect to teacher Rabiep (วันไหว้ครู). The movie highlights teacher dedication and their importance in their duty to transform children into good adults. It is the first movie for veteran actor Pinyo Parnnui....
During that time Portman also starred as the resentful daughter toSusan Sarandon’sflamboyantsingle mother inAnywhere but Here(1999) and as a homeless and pregnant teen who gives birth in aWal-Martstore inWhere the Heart Is(2000). In addition to acting, Portman attendedHarvard University, gradua...
The cinematographic atmosphere was not good at that time as Mitr Chaibancha just died so only one copy of this movie was released. This movie couldn’t be shown in Thai provinces and it was not auspicious to project a movie with an already dead actor. The movie features five songs....