This movie follows Cassie (Sofia Carson), an uninsured musician in need of insulin, and Luke (Nicholas Galitzine), a soldier about to be deployed to Iraq. They decide to enter into a marriage of convenience — her for the insurance, him for the spousal benefits he needs to pay off debts...
Descendants 2 Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, Sofia Carson 10 votes When the pressure to be royally perfect gets to be too much for Mal, she returns to the Isle of the Lost. She discovers that Uma, the daughter of Ursula, has taken over as queen, and that her gang is finalizing plans to...
Main cast: Taron Egerton, Jason Bateman, and Sofia CarsonDirector: Jaume Collet-SerraRT score: 88% Recommended by Grace MorrisEntertainment Writer If airport security wasn't hard enough, Netflix's festive thriller Carry-On just made it even more difficult. Carry-On brings some Die Hard action...
Sofia Carsonportrays April, a young aspiring dancer trying to make it in New York City. Unfortunately, a public incident forces her to retreat back home to Wisconsin where she's offered to be coach of the New Hope dance team. While she initially accepts the opportunity as a last ditch effo...
Feel the Beat Sofia Carson, Enrico Colantoni, Wolfgang Novogratz 30 votes A feel-good family flick packed with show-stopping choreography, it tells the story of a disgraced Broadway dancer who returns to her small hometown to teach young dancers. Along the way, she rediscovers her love for...
TSA agent Ethan Kopek (Taron Egerton) is working at the airport on one of the busiest travel days of the year when a mysterious blackmailer (Jason Bateman) threatens Ethan’s pregnant girlfriend (Sofia Carson) if he doesn’t let a dangerous package slip onto a flig...
With its winning combination of inspirational themes, great choreography, and a talented cast, Feel The Beat is sure to leave viewers with a sense of joy and hope. Whether you’re a fan of Sofia Carson, an aspiring dancer, or just in the mood for a feel-good movie, Feel The Beat on...
In our latest Horror Highlights, we have a new clip from the Wolf Creek series, details on Hdnet Movies' horror movie marathon, and a Q&A with Buz Hasson about The Living Corpse: Relics Kickstarter.Hdnet Movies Horror Marathon: Los Angeles – October 10, 2016 – Trick or Treat with Hd...
April (Sofia Carson) fails to make it big on Broadway—not because she isn’t skilled, but because of her selfish attitude. She then finds herself back in her small hometown, where she starts to explore a different path to success. Now she’s forced to coach a group of young misfits ...
airport. Unfortunately for TSA agent Ethan Kopek (Taron Egerton), his promotion came on the wrong day at the wrong time. An enigmatic traveler (Jason Bateman) wants Ethan to wave a package through uncontested. If Ethan refuses, then his girlfriend, Nora Parisi (Sofia Carson), will be ...