In this animated film, five sentient household appliances -- Toaster, Blanky, Radio, Lampy and a vacuum cleaner named Kirby -- living in an abandoned cabin have grown lonely. Longing to reunite with their owner, a young man named Rob, the appliances set off on a harrowing trek through the...
Does she have what it takes to master one of the most powerful sentient weapons... $14.95 More Info Stormy Tempest: Lies and Allies Download The Stormy Tempest Season 3 Finale is here! Clayton the Sleeper and Stormy Tempest take on Velocity Blaze! Plus, your first look at Stormy ...
Riding high off the success of new-wave Princess movies likeTangledandFrozen, Disney delivered another contemporary classic, packed with earworm songs from a fresh-outta-HamiltonLin-Manuel Miranda. If Moana herself belongs in a lineage that stretches right back to Snow White, she's firmly in the...
Also ranks #5 on 12 Underrated Movies Where Machines Become Sentient Also ranks #5 on 13 Love-'Em-Or-Hate-'Em Sci-Fi Movies That Split Audiences Down The Middle 56 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses 47 votes Superfans of the "Harry Potter" franchise answer trivia questions ab...
Tendrils of smoke, sentient and searching, trail each explosion. Morse-dot traffic breaks up the neon sprawl, as seen from on high. Headlights and laser fire flash the same shade of orange as they streak by at similar speeds. The action is so singularly kinetic, that Otomo and company acc...
Joss Whedon. The humanity imparted by Tom Hanks as the passed-over Woody can’t be understated: This was a role rich enough to lure the hottest actor in the game.Toy Storyspeaks to our love of play, and the way we invest our dolls and action figures with the souls of whom we want...
If there can be a sentient Scarecrow or a talking lion, why is it weird that her hair looks a little different sometimes? Maybe Oz does weird things to a person’s hair. If you prefer to read Oz as an extremely elaborate dream, weird stuff happens in dreams all the time. Last night...
Prior to this, the robots seen in anime were usually sentient as opposed to being pieces of machinery. Today, there are several dozen "Gundam" series, films, and OVAs to choose from, and it's hard to put a finger on which is the best of the bunch as it comes down to personal ...
As a sentient human being, you can figure out what happens from here. There’s not a lot to recommend it, to be honest. It’s high cheese. But since it’s new this year on Netflix, at least you can rest assured you haven’t seen it yet. ...
In a nutshell, Thanos is collecting the 6 Infinity Stones from across the cosmos with the ultimate goal of snapping his fingers and wiping out half of all sentient life everywhere. All of our heroes (except Ant-Man and Hawkeye) team up to attempt to stop to his plan. This means that ou...