Adapted from Isaac Asimov's classic collection of short stories, I, Robot is a thrilling sci-fi action film set in a future where robots coexist with humans under strict programming guidelines known as "The Three Laws of Robotics." Starring Will Smith as Detective Del Spooner, who investigate...
Featuring returning stars like Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager alongside series newcomers like Sir Anthony Hopkins as eccentric historian Sir Edmund Burton; this action-packed film showcased the ongoing conflict between humanity and the colossal alien robots amidst a race to uncover ancient secrets that...
alien robots from a distant galaxy conquer Earth and establish control over humanity, claiming that they only want to observe humans. Survivors are confined to their houses and implanted with a device that alerts the sentries if they go outside. If they refuse to comply, they are destroyed. ...
Interview with the Vampire Junior Street Fighter February 95: Richie Rich The Lion King Dumb & Dumber Houseguest March 95: Little Women The Jungle Book Legends of the Fall Heavyweights Billy Madison April 95: The Quick and the Dead The Brady Bunch Movie Outbreak Man of the House May 95: Pu...
Gags happen as ladies robots have unexpected behaviors such as going in male toilets or learning bad habits from humans... Funny competition do happen between the two robots. The grandfather (สุประวัติ ปัทมสูต) in Chiang Mai has difficulties with ...
are songs • movies where characters suffer • a theater where films are shown • what you buy to enter the cinema • movies made with colored drawings • what you eat when watching a movie • movies about technology and robots • what you drink when you watch a movie • ....
If you want creative (and yes, sometimes nonsensical) adventure and action with big robots punching each other, it doesn’t get much better than this. Go on, give it another chance. (James Osborne) 76. Midnight Run (1988) There are action movies that take themselves incredibly seriously,...
If nothing else, one thing is for sure: You’ll never look at Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Robots the same way ever again. OVERALL RATING (OUT OF FOUR POSSIBLE BUCKETS OF POPCORN): Filed Under: On Screen Dayton, The Featured Articles Horror-Comedy Crust Coming to VOD Soon November 5, 2024...
With Emma Watson, Leslie Mann and Taissa Farmiga. "World War Z" Paramount Pictures/Jaap Buitendijk Release date: June 21 Brad Pitt stars as a United Nations employee trying to find a way to stop a zombie pandemic taking over the globe. Based on the novel of the same name by Max ...
Watch: The Giver* *The Giver requires SHOWTIME® on Hulu add-on subscription. I, Robot (2004) The year is 2035 (12 years from now — feeling old yet?) and AI robots are created by megacorporation, U.S. Robotics, to fulfill public service jobs as a product of corporate greed, raci...