Chronicling Kaufman's infamous feud with professional wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler, Man on the Moon provides a unique perspective on how the worlds of comedy and wrestling collided during the 1980s. With its engrossing storytelling and Carrey's transformative portrayal, the film i...
Chronicling Kaufman's infamous feud with professional wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler, Man on the Moon provides a unique perspective on how the worlds of comedy and wrestling collided during the 1980s. With its engrossing storytelling and Carrey's transformative portrayal, the film i...
The Sheik — When Professional Wrestling was Real byDustin Freeley Anyone who watched the then-WWF’s professional wrestling as a child in the 80’s and 70’s will undoubtedly be familiar with the camel clutch, the pre-Hogan all-American Bob Backlund, and of course, Hulk Hogan himself. Mos...
David Ayer is finally back with a new film! Check out the red band trailer for Ayer’s long awaited return The Beekeeper. Produced by MGM, the film sees action star Jason Statham as a retired […]Movie Trailers The Rise & Fall of the Von Erich Wrestling Family in The Iron Claw Trail...
the real Kaufman got involved with professional wrestling by challenging women to matches before billing himself as the Intergender Wrestling Champion in Memphis’ Mid-South Wrestling promotion. That led to a feud between Kaufman and Jerry “The King” Lawler, which continued after Lawler supposedly...
For his first sex scene, Diggler (Wahlberg) is paired with veteran porn icon Amber Waves (Moore). As the astonished crew witnesses the emergence of a major new talent, Amber’s warm maternal instincts help put her young costar at ease. The movie is full of professional penetration, but thi...
Luke / Fisher Movies & TV Click here to see where we watchJump: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZFor years, had the disks in 3 400-disc changersAll 3 changers eventually died, so the disks are not in changers anymore...
Here are five of the best movies with The Rock. The Rundown In the early 2000s, The Rock was starting to dip his toes into Hollywood while simultaneously wrestling in the WWE. Johnson’s second leading role came in 2003’s The Rundown, and 20 years later, it remains one of his best...
For his first sex scene, Diggler (Wahlberg) is paired with veteran porn icon Amber Waves (Moore). As the astonished crew witnesses the emergence of a major new talent, Amber’s warm maternal instincts help put her young costar at ease. The movie is full of professional penetration, but thi...
The Wide World of Wrastlin'Lists about professional wrestling in all its incarnations, with info about the men and women behind the spandex and ranking everything in the arena, from gimmicks to mustaches. The Best Hulk Hogan Movies, Ranked The Greatest Films About Wrestling The Greatest Ever ...