websites help movies succeed at the box office and earn public approval. And yet, website developers don’t get any public recognition for the success of movies. Isn’t it a bit unfair in the Internet era not to bestow a single bit of appreciation...
Widow D.J. Tanner-Fuller lives in San Francisco with sister Stephanie and single mom Kimmy Gibbler. 12 votes Great next watch? Photo: uploaded by wolfdaddy 3 California Dreams California Dreams is an American teen-oriented sitcom that aired from 1992 to 1996 on Saturday mornings during NBC's...
The show stars Charlie Schlatter in the title role. The series debuted on August 23, 1990 on NBC and was cancelled within its first season, a few months after its debut. The show was produced by Maysh Ltd Productions in association with Paramount Television. Hughes was...
A loose remake of John Cassavetes’s “Gloria” (1980), Erick Zonca’s “Julia” provides Swinton with one of her best roles as a thoroughly unlikable woman. She plays a hard drinking partier who wakes up most mornings in a strange bed. Broke and desperate for money, she agrees to help...
Saturday mornings in town give the promise of the bustle to come. Sunday never shakes off its sleepiness.” Warren Oates and Laurie Bird in Two-Lane Blacktop (1971). As you might be able to guess from that excerpt, Taylor is also trying to stress the fact these movies are also showing ...
By what name was The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) officially released in India in English? Rispondi Visualizza altre lacune di informazioni Ottieni maggiori informazioni sulla partecipazione Modifica paginaAggiungi episodio Visti di recente
Joutras, who grew up in Ogallala from age 11 on, had never stayed on a ranch or stopped in the Sandhills until the book. Those were places to drive past or through. That all changed once he spent time there. Ogallala became his home when he moved there with his family after stints ...
This quote is the theme of the movie, discussed in voice-over by the main character at the very beginning, and then again at the very end. Will Freeman considers himself “an island”; completely self-sufficient, and in need of no other islanders to share with him his realm. To be per...
No parent has the time or energy toentertain their kidsall the time—that’s a tall order, especially when you’re dealing with toddlers. That’s where movie nights (or mornings, or afternoons) come into play. And while the screen-time guilt is real, not all films are created equally,...
of his first film, fighting Spider Rico (Pedro Lovell), with Avildsen’s camera zooming back from a painted Jesus icon on the grimy venue wall to encompass the fighters in the ring below, immediately establishing a semi-ironic affinity: boxers bleed for the crowd’s sins, serving the funct...