Set in 18th century England, Belle paints the enthralling portrait of Dido Elizabeth Belle, played by the exquisite Gugu Mbatha-Raw, a mixed-race woman of aristocratic lineage. As Belle transcends societal limitations placed upon her due to her racial background, viewers are entranced by the unfo...
Fortunately, among the passengers are famed Belgian detective Hercule Poirot (Peter Ustinov) and his trusted companion, Colonel Race (David Niven), who immediately begin their investigation. But just as Poirot identifies a motley collection of would-be murderers, several of the suspects also meet ...
If like us, you have been watching a LOT of Netflix recently; we say put all that film knowledge to good use and inspire your brood to write up a mini-movie or skit script together. Create a makeshift stage with a curtain (bed sheets work well for this) and perform your play for t...
The Fountain: In some sense, I was put off by this film in the same way that I'm put off by propaganda films. It's definitely a very spiritual film with some great moments, but I think I'm currently incompatible with its fundamental message. I just moved this movie's ranking from b...
But the big motorcycle race is coming up, and they don’t call him Lucky for nothing! This is one Elvis Presley character aptly named, because he did indeed luck out with leading lady Ann-Margret, who matches him hip swivel for hip swivel (and tosses in a few more for good measure)....
The film comes from the mind of director Boots Riley, known for his 2018 debutSorry to Bother You, which was celebrated for its biting social critique of capitalism and race. Riley’s signature style blends sharp satire with poignant social commentary, andI Love Boosterslooks to continue this ...
from 30 years before. supernatural mysteries collide with aching examination of things left unsaid in an acting tour de force. — m.m. american fiction in our charged, fractious moment, few films are riskier propositions than those about race. but cord jefferson’s debut feature, american ...
Luckily he regains his confidence with the help of a pixieish French exchange student and then beats the ski jerk in a climactic race. This deliberately, delightfully weird ’80s entry, packed with over-the-top fantasy sequences, was the first of two projects to pair Cusack’s boyish ...
What would happen if you mixed art house cinema with the kind of body horror every David Cronenberg fan loves? The result would look something like ‘Evolution.’ The second feature from French director Lucile Hadžihalilovic is a mesmerizing and maddening coming-of-age horror movie that has ...
(Adam Driver) has altruistic ideas for rebuilding a city that is a teetering empire very obviously based on its namesake. Against a backdrop of garish decadence (there are orgy-like parties and even a chariot race) Cesar’s proposal, as chief of the city’s Design Authority, is opposed ...