Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson 300 votes Who hasn't dreamed about traveling through time? This classic trilogy follows a teenager's exciting, yet perilous adventures through the past, present, and future. With its creative storytelling, eccentric inventor sidekick, and cutting-edge...
As Amber, Becky, and other local girls prepare for the big day, bizarre incidents occur, leading up to an ending with a bang. Released: 1999 Directed by: Michael Patrick Jann Also ranks #1 on The Most Hilarious Small Town Comedy Movies, Ranked Also ranks #5 on Misunderstood '90s Movies ...
Minions Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton 130 votes Get ready to laugh out loud as you follow the hilarious misadventures of the lovable yellow Minions in their quest to find the perfect evil mastermind to serve. Bursting with slapstick comedy and delightful chaos, this movie is good for...
If you are a horror movie fan, you'll want to add these Michael Myers movie series to your list. Here's how to watch all the 'Halloween' movies in order.
119 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Donald Pleasence 17.8 46.6 54 00 / 00 48.0 120 Action Jackson (1988) Sharon Stone 20.3 53.1 52 00 / 00 48.0 120 Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) Cassandra Peterson & Phil Rubenstein 5.6 14.7 64 00 / 00 47.8 121 The Moderns (...
Cast: George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Wallace Wolodarsky, Michael Gambon, Willem Dafoe. Overview: The Fantastic Mr. Fox bored with his current life, plans a heist against the three local farmers. The farmers, tired of sharing their chickens with the sly fox, ...
Shat The Movies wants to be your smartest friend, your hottest friend, your most caring friend ... but with better sound quality. We've spent more than five years and 260 episodes discovering, along with our listeners, which movies still hold up, which m
all of whom she had worked with or met through performing improv in Chicago. In 2004 she and Fey became anchors forSNL’s “Weekend Update,” the first time in the show’s then 30-year history that two women led that segment. When Fey leftSNLin 2006, Poehler paired up with Meyers to...
a shy studious babysitter terrorized by the seemingly unkillable Michael Myers. According to reports, Curtis was offered the role, in part, because her mother had appeared in theiconicshower scene inAlfred Hitchcock’s horror classicPsycho(1960). Nevertheless, Curtis’s performance helped makeHallowee...
Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, and Freddy Krueger are the first killers you think of when it comes to slasher movies, but there's more to the genre. GameSpot Oct 23 Movies Deadpool & Wolverine 4K Blu-Ray Gets 50% Launch Discount At Amazon Deadpool & Wolverine released on 4K Blu-ray...