At the heart of this iconic crime drama lies the complex relationship between Vito Corleone and his son Michael, as they navigate the morally ambiguous world of Mafia life. Michael's initial resistance to joining the family business is juxtaposed with his eventual assumption of his father's mantl...
At the heart of this iconic crime drama lies the complex relationship between Vito Corleone and his son Michael, as they navigate the morally ambiguous world of Mafia life. Michael's initial resistance to joining the family business is juxtaposed with his eventual assumption of his father's mantl...
Here are the most highly-anticipated action movies of 2024, including a new installment of 'Joker' with Lady Gaga, and second 'Dune' movie with Zendaya.
Mafia Kingpin Collection 04 out of 5 Stars. 0 reviews Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Only 1 left Unrated Best of the Lucy Show (DVD) Add $823current price $8.23Best of the Lucy Show (DVD) 03.3 out of 5 Stars. 0 reviews Free shipping, arrives in 3+ days Unrated Pre-Owned ...
Many Thai Action movies (หนังบู๊) deal with the Thai contemporary world (corruption, mafia, bad policemen, bad boys, politics, power, gunmen) and illegal business (drugs, underground gambling, smuggling, illegal felling of forest reserves, loan shark rackets, prostitution and ...
Don’t Mess with My Sister! (1985) Alley Cat (1984) The Last Blood (1983) Danger Zone (1996) Flashfire (1994) South Seas (1974) Streets of Fire (1984) Young Warriors (1983) Goliath and the Sins of Babylon (1963) Conflict of Interest (1993) Mafia Junction (1973) The Death Merchant...
Who doesn’t loveDenzel Washingtonright. We all do and here he teams up again with directorAntoine Fuquaonce again asRobert McCallin the third film of this series. This time they head to Italy where McCall goes to “find peace”. It isn’t long till the mafia shows up with one of the...
To escape the boss fury, they have to hide in a Karaoke and then take refuge in a Chinese shrine. The mafia kid doesn't want to come back with his father. They finally end up in a haunted house. The movie ends up with good feelings (wedding, father and son reunited...). It is...
Written byNick (luckystrike721)1 CommentPosted inMovies,Suit,Three-Piece SuitTagged with1950s,3-Piece Suit,Al Pacino,Black Suit,Costume design by Theadora Van Runkle,Gangster,Mafia,Michael Corleone,Mob Boss,Omega Constellation watch,Oxford Shoes,Pinstripe/Chalkstripe Suit,Single-Breasted Suit,Spring...
Synopsis:Tattoo-clad mafia boss Tatsu has abandoned his position in the yakuza to become a full-time homemaker. While other members of the yakuza still talk about Tatsu’s fearsome disposition that earned him the nickname ‘Immortal Dragon’, Tatsu now spends all his energy going on grocery run...