Jessica 6 (Jenny Agutter), a citizen desperate for survival, leads Logan to question his beliefs and the system's morality. As they journey through a world past its expiration date, they encounter Box (Roscoe Lee Browne), an android with sinister intentions. This sci-fi classic, directed by...
He finds unexpected companionship with a street-smart dog named Dodger (Billy Joel), and his ragtag group of canine friends. As Oliver navigates through adventures and dangers, he unexpectedly stumbles upon a wealthy little girl, Jenny (Natalie Gregory), who adopts him. However, their bond ...
Cast: Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Jenny Slate, Kevin Hart Rating: PG Run time: 90 minutes Reviews: Rotten Tomatoes 70%; IMDb 6.5/10 Scariness score: 2/10 From the creators of Despicable Me, this adorable family film gives audiences a behind-the-scenes look at exactly what pets do wh...
Jenny Slate and Charlie Day star in this delightful rom-com. Credit: Amazon Studios A rom-com starring Charlie Day and Jenny Slate, I Want You Back enchanted Mashable's Nicole Gallucci with its willingness to skip over some of the most played-out tropes of the genre. "Every successful ro...
Onge ("Nicole Rathbone"), Tristan Rogers ("Harry"), with Fred Williamson ("Sheriff Lowell Carter"), Marc Brandon Daniel ("Nando"), Jenny Levine ("Wendy Servine"), Sebastian Spence ("Stevie Servine"), Randy J. Goodwin ("Kennedy Winslow"), Anais Granofsky ("Vanessa Carter"), others.....
Maybe a bit too closely, because the romantic leads — Adrian Pasdar’s newly turned Oklahoma farm boy and Jenny Wright’s sympathetic ingenue — are frankly total drips. The real star is Bill Paxton as charming, serpent-like coven member Severan, who he plays with the swagger and sex ...
The Secret Life of Pets is directed by Chris Renaud, co-directed by Yarrow Cheney, written by Cinco Paul, Ken Daurio, and Brian Lynch. The movie features Kevin Hart as Snowball. Other voice cast members include Lake Bell, Jenny Slate, Eric Stonestreet, Louis C.K., Ellie Kemper, Bobby Mo...
The best comedy movies are surely those that gave funny moments on every scene of the film and made it impossible for a person to hold laughter. But with time comedy has found new taste and new style of humor. Comedy has a huge range, ranging from Slapstick comedy, comedy of manners, ...
a我们都为詹尼感到骄傲 We all feel for Jenny proud[translate] a我和他取得联系有困难 I and he obtain the relation to have the difficulty[translate] a我有需要 proove,what 你喜欢这裙子的可能 I have need proove, what you to like this skirt the possibility[translate] ...
Gary Cole, Donald Faison, Joanna Krupa, Brian Austin Green, Jenny Wade, Peter Cambor Directed By: Timothy Busfield Two and a Half Men 27 11 TV-14 Starring: Jason Alexander, Mimi Rogers, Harry Dean Stanton, Blythe Danner, Jonathan Banks, Judd Nelson, Odette Annable ...