In The Last Picture Show, we follow Sonny Crawford (Timothy Bottoms) and Duane Jackson (Jeff Bridges), two high school seniors in a small, windswept Texas town. The movie, set in the early 1950s, offers an intimate portrait of their lives as they grapple with love, loss, and lif...
Haley (Missy Peregrym) is a naturally gifted athlete but, with her social behavior, the teen seems intent on squandering her abilities. After a final brush with the law, a judge sentences her to an elite gymnastics academy run by a legendary, hard-nosed coach (Jeff Bridges). Once...
what follows is a look at every single Western Jeff Bridges has been in throughout his career, starting with the so-so and ending with the greats. His versatility as an actor and seeming willingness to appear in all sorts of movies means that he hasn’t been in a huge...
'Tucker: The Man and His Dream' portrays Preston Tucker (Jeff Bridges) and his dream to produce his beautiful and amazing automobiles, but frankly, automotive history did not roll in his direction. Alamy Stock Photo by Moviestore Collection Ltd Preston Tucker, the tale reveals, built 50 of ...
Jay Carr, Globe Staff
The sensational acting chameleon Jeff Bridges is a fearless performer who has starred in a wide array of critically acclaimed and beloved pictures. Having first made a splash in Hollywood with his Academy Award nominated performance in the 1971 revered coming-of-age drama The Last Picture Show, ...
FREE Download of Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes November 03, 2023Movies & Music In today's fast-paced world, a good night's rest is a precious commodity. If you're looking for a way to unwind and drift into ... FREE HalloweeN Returns MP3 Album Download (Music Inspired by the Film) ...
(Jeff Bridges), a budding boxer he meets in the ring. Encouraged by Eddie’s natural talent, Tully attempts a comeback only to be disappointed, thrusting him back into a life of boozing. Ernie faces many lost bouts early in his career as well, and with a child on the way, is forced...
Why yes, with Sluizer himself directing a pre-24 Kiefer Sutherland in the Donnadieu role, with Jeff Bridges as the killer and a pre-Speed Sandra Bullock as the abductee. However, the critics weren't quite so taken with the remake - perhaps because no one should treat our Sandy like that...
Cast: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore When stoner Jeffrey ‘The Dude’ Lebowski is mistaken for a local millionaire with the same name, he sets out on a big adventure with his bowling team. There are so many one-liners in this Coen Brothers comedy that you could easily credit...