Terror is the most difficult type of horror to pull off but the most effective when done right. With this in mind, Redditors recently got together onr/movies, the largest film subreddit, to discussthe most terrifying horror moviesthat don't rely on gore for their fights. 10'The Haunting...
though Redditorhouinatorwasn't impressed with the overall thing, they found the final battle between the Indominus Rex and the original T-Rex "nearly justifies the rest of the movie."
This innovative thriller takes place entirely on computer screens and follows a father's search for his missing daughter. As he delves deeper into her online life, he uncovers secrets and dangers he never could have imagined. The film's unique format and clever twists make for an engrossing a...
The film brings Christina (played by Malin Buska) to life with a few twists and turns in the plot line. We see her incredible journey from being crowned Queen at the age of six after her father’s death in battle. She then leaves Sweden for the Vatican aged 28, converting to Roman C...
De Palma's deft directing and well-crafted narrative twists serve to heighten the tension even further, while the memorable performances from Michael Caine and Angie Dickinson solidify the film's place in the pantheon of great thrillers. Dressed to Kill is a seductive and suspen...
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However, this movie had a couple plot twists that lent it a surprising amount of heart and intrigue. Moonrise Kingdom Amadeus: Excellent character premise, and excellent character development. Unequal talent distribution is one of great existential tragedies, and this movie presents it very well. ...
Hereditarywas the surprise horror hit of 2018, with many describing the film as being exactly what the horror genre is supposed to look like. The various dark twists and turns that the film takes are part of what makesHereditarya horror movie worth watching more than once. ...
"Patema Inverted" touches on classism and bigotry in really effective ways as it tells its heartwarming, sci-fi-tinged love story, and there are more than a few twists that you'll never see coming.19. Summer Wars (2009) Warner Bros. The virtual world — and the unique form of ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) By John Corrado ★★ (out of 4) The tagline forThe Forever Purge, the somewhat mediocre fifth film in the horror franchise that started in 2013, might as well be “the purge in...