Also ranks #13 on The 50+ Best Movies With Ghost in the Title 22 Blackbeard's Ghost Peter Ustinov, Dean Jones, Suzanne Pleshette 122 votes Embarking on a fresh adventure, this Disney gem highlights the misadventures of an inept track coach who inadvertently summons the spirit of the infamous...
The movie explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of human connection in a time of global strife. With its witty humor, endearing characters, and authentic depiction of 1940s life, The More the Merrier remains a beloved classic in the realm of romantic cinema. Released: 1943 ...
Story:A gripping female-driven horror film where a young woman faces her darkest fears with seven other unwilling participants in a deadly game. A game that can only have one winner. The film burrows into universal themes of survival, revenge and ... ...
and now they’ve made the movie. Johnson says he hasn’t quit “four-quadrant blockbusters,” but he needed a career reset to explore films with more humanity. It’s a smart move – and it all points back to sweaty performances.
Made in China and the United Kingdom, The Third Solar Term approaches the coming-of-age story from a unique angle. It focuses on a gay child's bond with his parent and draws parallels to insects. The themes and metaphors are intelligent. I also enjoy the sensitive performances from the ...
Living in the Material World, George Harrison’s highly praised 2nd solo album of original music following The Beatles’ 1970 dissolution, recently marked its 50th anniversary. With lyrics underscoring his enduring exploration of spiritual themes, the album resonated deeply with audiences. Just 5 weeks...
Behind the Screen— Free— A short film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, the film is long on slapstick, but it also gets into themes dealing with gender bending and homosexuality. (1916) Between Showers - Free— A short...
#23A Chinese Ghost Story(1987) Why You Should Watch:This romance from the Golden Age of Hong Kong Cinema combines Chinese ghosts and gothic horror with a love triangle. It’s also one of the films included in the book1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. ...
If you like "The Mark of the Whip" you are looking for movies about / with sex scene, fetish, female nudity, telephone call, night, car breakdown and handgun themes of Horror genre shot in Poland. Find your next favorite and similar movies in two steps: 1. Identify all themes of inter...
Behind the Screen— Free— A short film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, the film is long on slapstick, but it also gets into themes dealing with gender bending and homosexuality. (1916) Between Showers - Free— A short...