This enchanting drama unravels the relationship between Edward Bloom and his son Will, who is constantly frustrated with his father's penchant for telling tall tales. Through a series of flashbacks and fantastical stories, viewers witness the younger Edward's extraordinary life, leading to an emotion...
However, the pressures of his newfound fame, coupled with the echoes of his tumultuous childhood, conspire to bring Helfgott's latent schizophrenia boiling to the surface, and he spends years in and out of various mental institutions. Actors: Geoffrey Rush, Justin Braine, Sonia To...
Well, that’sthirty32 movies (I updated this post with two new movies at an unspecified time/date, because you can’t stop me) I want to catch up with, which seems like plenty. There’s definitely some gold in here somewhere, and I’m looking forward to many of them. Suggestions wel...
Having shared a dark childhood secret – about his kid brother getting murdered by apes – actor-turned-secret paramilitary officer Gary finally seals the deal with teammate Lisa, as the two retire to the boudoir to bump wood in a variety of positions no major studio would dare attempt with ...
Shang-Chi's MCU debut contains flashbacks to his childhood, so it could be listed earlier. However, the bulk of the film is set in early 2024, hence its placement at this point on the MCU timeline. Moon Knight Marvel's Official Timeline book confirms this show takes place in May 2024....
to their childhood memories and flashbacks to their acting training, struggles, and living with their fellow classmates. This classic film shows gratitude, appreciation, and loyalty to a mentor for their nurturing and guidance. Yu Jim-yuen and his teaching of acting and film are an important ...
finds a box of old letters while cleaning up her house. As she starts reading it, the story of her mother’s romance during a visit to the countryside as a student, is told in flashbacks. The sequences, however, are also intertwined with daughter’s own love story in which she falls ...
For turn-of-the-millennium kids who grew up during a renaissance for animated films, Disney movies are sweet flashbacks of childhood. Who wouldn’t think fondly of school nights spent with popcorn and the remote control, watching colorful hand-sketched lions, dragons, and genies dash across the...
But as Mario begins to care for Antonio, sudden flashbacks to a past incident reveal that the nurse has a secret agenda for the drug lord. Led by strong performances, Eye For an Eye is a bleak-as-hell film that unflinchingly explores how far one may go for revenge. — O.W. How to...
Flashbacks of a fool An aging Hollywood star, Joe Scott, lives a life of narcissistic hedonism, observed by his laconic personal assistant, Ophelia. The death of his childhood best friend, Boots, takes our protagonist, and the movie, into an extended flashback to a sea-side town in 1970’...