With its memorable characters and unexpected plot twists, this film is a captivating exploration of desperation and madness. Released: 1997 Directed by: Oliver Stone 25 Four Rooms Tim Roth, Valeria Golino, Jennifer Beals 66 votes This black comedy anthology revolves around a hapless bellboy working...
With its memorable characters and unexpected plot twists, this film is a captivating exploration of desperation and madness. Released: 1997 Directed by: Oliver Stone 25 Four Rooms Tim Roth, Valeria Golino, Jennifer Beals 66 votes This black comedy anthology revolves around a hapless bellboy working...
Spider-Man 4: Everything you need to know Where to buy Cat Deeley's outfits on This Morning Sweet Magnolias season 4: All you need to know Gangs of London s2 ending explained Emmerdale's Cain left devastated over Moira Ginny and Georgia season 3: All you need to know ...
With some timey wimey plot twists, The Rise of Endymion ends at a bittersweet and emotionally resonant point. A moment of peace and love, and a moment to reflect about the power of will and the sacrifices that were necessary to get to this point. I, for instance, sacrificed two weeks ...
There are some great action moments and many plot twists that take the audience on quite a journey. You never quite know just what is going to happen next, which is a rare thing in Chinese Action movies. If I have any criticism, it’s that the comic scenes did drag on a little bit...
‘Atomic Blonde’ is an easy to watch action movie with enough dose of erotic moments. There are enough twists to make it interesting to watch, even a bit too much for me. The fighting scenes are numerous and are definitely the best parts of the movie. The fight choreography crew that ...
You will instantly recognise his style — of course there is rain, romance and crazy plot twists — though this is a more intimate story than other titles like Weathering With You. The movie follows the mysterious morning encounters of Takao Akizuki, a 15-year-old who wants to be a shoemak...
the film does a great job in keeping the tension bubbling with it’s intriguing plot and fabulous turns especially from Iwuji and Johnson, some of the death scenes really caught me off guard, making me jump on a few occassions and the film has a few twists that you don’t see coming ...
Conclusion:This movie keeps you in suspense since the very beginning with its dark, great tones and gloomy atmosphere. You can feel the loneliness of the main heroine, who suffers from unrequited love and betrayals. But the main diamond here is its ending. It twists so famously that you defi...
Plot Twists That Happen Right In The Middle Of The Movie And Change Everything VOTE 17 people have voted on Underrated 1990s Movies Overshadowed By Their More Successful 'Twin Film' VOTE 42 people have voted on TV Shows We Loved That Never Got The Attention They Deserved VOTE 41 people have...