Ali (Christina Aguilera), a small-town gal with a great voice, leaves a troubled life behind and follows her dreams to Los Angeles. She lands a job as a cocktail waitress at the Burlesque Lounge, a once-majestic theater that houses an inspired musical revue led by Tess (Cher), the prop...
Ali (Christina Aguilera), a small-town gal with a great voice, leaves a troubled life behind and follows her dreams to Los Angeles. She lands a job as a cocktail waitress at the Burlesque Lounge, a once-majestic theater that houses an inspired musical revue led by Tess (Cher), the prop...
83 Sweet and Sexy Pickup Lines for Valentine's Day 47 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas from Real People Your Husband Def Deserves These V-Day Gifts 37 Tips for Throwing a Flawless V-Day Party 70 Super-Cute V-Day Gifts Under $50 (!!!) ...
Nick Curran and Gus Moran are investigating a murder, and the prime suspect is Catherine Tramell, a crime fiction writer. She’s beautiful and talented, and most likely a ruthless killer. Before we know it, Nick starts to fall in love with Catherine, albeit reluctantly. Gus begins to suspec...
Mostly, though, it’s Davies’s love for cinema that is apparent in every single frame of this beautiful film. Dave Calhoun Global Chief Content Officer 4. Kes (1969) Best British Movies: Kes (1969) Director Ken LoachCast David Bradley, Lynne Perrie, Freddie Fletcher As the tide of the...
During her years as a freelance journalist and film critic, Mireia has covered festivals around the world, and has interviewed high-profile talents such as Kristen Stewart, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhaal and many more. She's also taken part in juries such as the FIPRESCI jury at Venice Film ...
They can last a long while with very little upkeep and are also quite affordable . Next up would have to be chain link fencing ; though it is not as beautiful or natural looking as wood, they do make excellent privacy walls , especially for those who might live on busy streets where ...
The Nollywood cinema scene is impressive and is filled with talent and promise. We take a look at the Nigerian movie industry and investigate the steps you can take to watch Nigerian movies online.
and create living, breathing, three-dimensional people out of these initially unbelievable women. The location, beach houses, cinematography are beautiful and make you want to take a vacation to the beach. Adore lags in the second act of the film but manages to pull through at the very end....
Not to be confused with SMLG Movies. SML Movies, formerly known as SuperMarioLogan, is an American live-action adult sitcom web series consisting of short films with plush or puppet characters. It formerly featured many characters from numerous licensed