“Licensed to Kill” is a documentary written and directed by Arthur Dong, in which Dong, (a homosexual man himself) interviews various homophobic murderers. Dong’s work combines the art of the visual medium with an investigation into social issues, examining topics such as Asian-American histo...
Vancouver’s atmosphere is somewhat British in character with East Asian overtones. Its rich mix of nationalities has made the city one of North America’s mostcosmopolitanplaces. Ethnic Chinese—most are locally born but many came to the area fromHong Kongwhen rule there was returned to China—...
Starting in the nickelodeon era, Japanese showmen crafted a world of cheap attractions in major spots of Asian migration and settlement in the transpacific West. The cultural politics of first generation elites, alongside their struggles with local and national communities, shaped these entertainment ...
Nora Lum and her cousin struggle with young adulthood in Flushing, N.Y. Also ranks #3 on The Greatest TV Shows About Asian-Americans Also ranks #4 on The Best Current Comedy Central Shows Also ranks #11 on The Best Current TV Shows About Family 8 votes Is this a good next watch? Pho...
Oh, You're Gonna Want to Make These NYE Appetizers 37 Movies That'll Get You Excited for the New Year How to Watch the Ball Drop on New Year’s Eve Wild Throwback Photos of Celebrities on NYE 17 January Gym Discounts That Are Too Cheap to Pass Up ...
Rising Awareness an Increase in Movies about Asian-Americans Casts the Culture in a New Light
Asian Sex Diary17 Ass Parade279 Ass Traffic100 Aziani13 B B Skow15 BFFS55 Babes Network62 Baby Got Boobs53 Babysittered12 Back Room MILF41 Backroom Facials113 Bad Tow Truck23 BadoInk VR36 Bang92 Bang Bus208 BangBros Network37 Bangbros 18203 ...
Shang-Chiwas the first Asian-led Marvel superhero film. Marvel's track record with Asian characters and cultures wasn't always the best prior to this film, but with an ensemble cast that includes Awkwafina, Michelle Yeoh, andthe great Tony Leung Chiu-wai, among others, it's clear that the...
Over 50 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ films on Best Movies With Project in the Title. Current Top 3: Project Almanac, Project X, Project X
The birth of Philippine cinema coincided with the American takeover. Although there were film showings during the last years of the Spanish period, it was not until the arrival of the Americans that actual local production began in earnest. In its crude beginnings the Philippine cinema was not...