The 2018 remake A Star Is Born intertwines music and alcoholism through the story of an aging musician, played by Bradley Cooper, battling his demons. Other popular movies include the dark comedy Bad Santa, featuring Billy Bob Thornton as a conman grappling with his drinking problem...
This compelling drama delves into themes like accountability, denial, and redemption while showcasing how substance abuse can compromise even seemingly invulnerable individuals. Commercial airline pilot Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) has a problem with drugs and alcohol, though so far he's managed...
What started out with a little casj reindeer cosplay with whips suddenly morphed into Harper bringing her live-in girlfriend Abby (who just bought an engagement ring) home for Christmas but telling her in the car ride there that she’s not out to her family yet and told them she was brin...
On the latter production, Peckinpah also had frequent clashes with the cast and crew, which were fueled in part by his heavy drinking; the director would struggle with alcoholism and later drug abuse. His troubles continued on The Cincinnati Kid (1965), a gambling movie starring Steve McQueen...
It just feels so real. It’s also a rare sex scene that chimes in perfect harmony with the film around it. Their sex feels like both an expression of grief and a welcome respite from it. Most of all, the actors just look like they know what they’re doing. No wonder they’ve been...
Barrymore’s roles as a teenager took on a harder edge, perhaps motivated by the troubled reality of her adolescence; as she discussed in her autobiographyLittle Girl Lost(1990), by age 13 she had to seek treatment for drug andalcohol abuse. In the early 1990s she was cast in such roles...
Following selling isobel, a documentary about the start of the #metoo movement with Weinsten. It really shines a light on the horrific abuses of power. Its really puts into perspective everything which has gone on to date and could easily be updated with more in the future. ...
Every generation has a pill, and so does this one. Adderall and Ritalin abuse has become extremely common these days in this fast-paced world where everyone is competing with one another. These pills were once only forkidswith a small attention span but now are being used by everyone from ...
Parents should know that this film has extended peril and action with some scary monsters. Characters use strong and crude language and drink alcohol. Family discussion: Can you remember a decision that helped you decide who you are? Why was Jack a bad father? If you like this, try: “...
This powerful film not only addresses domestic abuse head-on, but also sparked major discussions about women's rights. Released: 1984 Directed by: Robert Greenwald Also ranks #5 on The Best Movies With Bed in the Title Also ranks #27 on The Best Movies About Alcoholism Also ranks #58 on...