In High School Musical, Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), a star basketball player, and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens), a brainy newcomer with a knack for science, break the status quo at East High School when they audition for the school's winter musical. Their friends, Chad Da...
Together, they audition for a spot on Dance TV, a coveted local show. The film unfolds as an 80s-themed comedic romp through teen life, competition, and friendship. Despite strict parents and scheming rivals like Natalie Sands (Holly Gagnier), Janey remains determined. This light-hear...
Lock In Location: Auditions via Zoom Audition / Call Type: Films BLAKE. Casting for a lead actress in a horror comedy film. A rebellious party girl who doesn’t take crap. Confident, loves to have fun, and has a huge heart. When her best friend Abby dies, Blake is left to grieve an...
CRIMINAL AUDITION Cristian Ortega CROC! CTRL Cult cinema Curzon Cinemas Cycling Cynthia Nixon DAGR Dali Rose Tetreault Damien Ashley Damon Rickard Damson Idris Dan Lantz Dan Moss Dan Pringle Dana Rogoz Dani Mathers Daniel Crowe Daniel Fathers Daniel O'Reilly Daniel Pac...
audition process, culminating in an edge-of-your-seat final round between the youths. Featuring appearances from Denzel Washington, Viola Davis, and other noteworthy talking heads,Giving Voiceis an inspiring showcase of up-and-coming talents and a reminder that the arts are always here for us ...
Much like Hollywood's best actors and actresses, there were many cars that came to audition for the part. If things would have gone differently, Herbie could have been a Toyota or a Volvo. The final choice was made after crew members literally felt compelled to pet the pearly white car wh...
Craig auditioned for, and was accepted by, the NationalYouthTheatre in 1984. He made his debut in the company’sLondonstaging ofWilliam Shakespeare’sTroilus and Cressidaand later toured Spain and Russia in other productions. In 1988 he was accepted to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama ...
(2003), she auditioned for the Disney Channel, which eventually led to a guest spot on the TV seriesThe Suite Life of Zack and Cody. In 2007 Gomez was cast as Alex Russo, a mischievous tomboy with magical powers, on a new Disney sitcom,Wizards of Waverly Place. The show, for which ...
for being difficult. (When it’s Minoltuh’s turn to be the patient, she grows an enormous azure nose that resembles nothing less than a coiled duct pipe. They do finally manage to cut the appendage off, but when Womma demands to know why the enormous blue schnozz is still in the ...
Sun TV, Vijay TV, Kalaignar TV, Zee Tamil Channel 2023 Pongal Premier Movies Pongal We Have Seen That Leading Tamil General Entertainment Channel Sun TV Scheduled Television Premier of Latest FilmsThiruchitrambalamand Laththi for 2023 Pongal. Sriram Karthick , Krisha Kurup, , Yog Jaypee, Bose ...