Another Brian De Palma masterpiece, this movie centers around a woman embroiled in a psychosexual murder investigation. With stylized violence, tantalizing intrigue, and sexually charged tension, it's a provocative thriller that challenges the viewer's expectations at every turn. Notorious for its con...
Meet the Contestants of Max's ‘Fast Friends’ Welcome to the Sisterhood of ‘Dune: Prophecy’ Here’s When Every Episode of ‘The Penguin’ Drops ‘The Penguin’ Cast Talk That Devastating Finale ‘Sex Lives of College Girls’ Season 3 Cheat Sheet ...
In Lisa Cholodenko’s romance, Ally Sheedy is hardly recognizable as the Shermer High basket case who made her famous. Here, she plays a jaded photographer whose liaison with the girl next door—or rather, one floor below—draws her out of her heroin-induced pseudo-coma. ...
From classics like 'An Affair to Remember' to contemporary dramas like 'Moonlight,' sort through the best romance movies that will make you believe in love.
Dig Deeper Movies That Won Best Picture at the Oscars and Golden Globes Also ranks #1 on The 35+ Best Movies of 1967 And Deeper The 10 Greatest B*tch Slaps in Movie History 36 Rosewood Jon Voight, Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle 25 votes Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with a...
Anyone can watch all of the bestPrime Videomovies if they have an Amazon Prime subscription. It's well worth it because with such an impressive library of films that's updated every month – check outeverything new on Prime Video in December 2024for the latest – there's plenty of choice...
a whole lot of dancing (especially breakdancing). The list of movies released in 1984 is dotted with classics that have been remade many times over. Some of the franchises that started that year are still going today. Here is a look at 40 movies that will turn 40 years old in 2024. ...
Along with Hugh Grant in “Heretic,” Stevens corners the 2024 film market on charming weirdos with sadistic ulterior motives. Armed with a harsh German accent that’s appropriate for this contemporary Grimm’s Fairy Tale, Stevens gives off all manner of sinister vibes. His funny-scary performanc...
Star Wars,space operastorytelling universe (created byGeorge Lucas) that is one of the most successful and influentialmultimedia franchisesin entertainment history. Begun in the 1970s and ’80s and resuscitated at the turn of the 21st century, Star Wars continually advanced the field of motion-pict...
Single, married, or somewhere in between, you'll love spending February 14 watching these best Valentine's Day movies, both classic and contemporary.